.. _atomistic-models-engines: Simulation engines ================== These pages list the simulation engine able to use metatensor's atomistic models capabilities, where to find the corresponding code if it is not part of the official package, and how to use them. If you add support for another simulation software, please let us know so we can add it here! .. note: please keep these in alphabetical order! .. grid:: 1 2 3 3 .. grid-item-card:: ASE :link: engine-ase :link-type: ref .. image:: /../static/images/logo-ase.png :width: 120px :align: center .. grid-item-card:: i-PI :link: engine-ipi :link-type: ref .. image:: /../static/images/logo-ipi.png :width: 120px :align: center .. grid-item-card:: LAMMPS :link: engine-lammps :link-type: ref .. image:: /../static/images/logo-lammps.png :width: 120px :align: center .. grid-item-card:: PLUMED :link: engine-plumed :link-type: ref .. image:: /../static/images/logo-plumed.png :width: 120px :align: center .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: ase ipi lammps plumed