.. _engine-plumed: PLUMED ====== .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Official website - How is metatensor supported? * - https://www.plumed.org/ - In the official (development) version Supported model outputs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PLUMED supports the :ref:`features ` output, and can use it as collective variables to perform advanced sampling such as metadynamics. Additionally, it also supports a custom output named ``"plumed::cv"``, with the same semantics and metadata structure as the :ref:`features ` output. How to install the code ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ See the official `installation instruction`_ in PLUMED documentation. How to use the code ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ See the official `syntax reference`_ in PLUMED documentation. .. _installation instruction: https://www.plumed.org/doc-master/user-doc/html/_m_e_t_a_t_e_n_s_o_r_m_o_d.html .. _syntax reference: https://www.plumed.org/doc-master/user-doc/html/_m_e_t_a_t_e_n_s_o_r.html