.. _devdoc: Developer documentation ####################### This developer documentation contains the following sections: 1. :ref:`devdoc-get-started` explains how you can start developing code and documentation; 2. The :ref:`devdoc-architecture` section explains how you can find your way around the source code, and how the different modules/languages API interact with one another. 3. The :ref:`devdoc-versions` section explains how we manage the version numbers of all the packages in the metatensor repository. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 get-started architecture versions Development team ---------------- Metatensor is developed in the `COSMO laboratory`_ at `EPFL`_, and made available under the `BSD 3-clauses license `_. We welcome contributions from anyone, feel free to contact us if you need some help working with the code! .. _COSMO laboratory: https://www.epfl.ch/labs/cosmo/ .. _EPFL: https://www.epfl.ch/ .. _LICENSE: https://github.com/metatensor/metatensor/blob/master/LICENSE