Source code for metatensor.operations.solve

from typing import List

from . import _dispatch
from ._classes import TensorBlock, TensorMap
from ._utils import _check_same_gradients_raise, _check_same_keys_raise

[docs] def solve(X: TensorMap, Y: TensorMap) -> TensorMap: """Solve a linear system among two :py:class:`TensorMap`. Solve the linear equation set ``Y = X * w`` for the unknown ``w``. Where ``Y``, ``X`` and ``w`` are all :py:class:`TensorMap`. ``Y`` and ``X`` must have the same ``keys`` and all their :py:class:`TensorBlock` must be 2D-square array. :param X: a :py:class:`TensorMap` containing the "coefficient" matrices. :param Y: a :py:class:`TensorMap` containing the "dependent variable" values. :return: a :py:class:`TensorMap` with the same keys of ``Y`` and ``X``, and where each :py:class:`TensorBlock` has: the ``sample`` equal to the ``properties`` of ``Y``; and the ``properties`` equal to the ``properties`` of ``X``. >>> import numpy as np >>> import metatensor >>> from metatensor import TensorBlock, TensorMap, Labels >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> # We construct two independent variables, each sampled at 100 random points >>> X_values = np.random.rand(100, 2) >>> true_c = np.array([10.0, 42.0]) >>> # Build a linear function of the two variables, with coefficients defined >>> # in the true_c array, and add some random noise >>> y_values = (X_values @ true_c + np.random.normal(size=(100,))).reshape((100, 1)) >>> covariance = X_values.T @ X_values >>> y_regression = X_values.T @ y_values >>> X = TensorMap( ... keys=Labels(names=["dummy"], values=np.array([[0]])), ... blocks=[ ... TensorBlock( ... samples=Labels.range("sample", 2), ... components=[], ... properties=Labels.range("properties_for_regression", 2), ... values=covariance, ... ) ... ], ... ) >>> y = TensorMap( ... keys=Labels(names=["dummy"], values=np.array([[0]])), ... blocks=[ ... TensorBlock( ... samples=Labels.range("sample", 2), ... components=[], ... properties=Labels.range("property_to_regress", 1), ... values=y_regression, ... ) ... ], ... ) >>> c = metatensor.solve(X, y) >>> print(c.block()) TensorBlock samples (1): ['property_to_regress'] components (): [] properties (2): ['properties_for_regression'] gradients: None >>> # c should now be close to true_c >>> print(c.block().values) [[ 9.67680334 42.12534656]] """ _check_same_keys_raise(X, Y, "solve") for X_block in X.blocks(): shape = X_block.values.shape if len(shape) != 2 or (not (shape[0] == shape[1])): raise ValueError( "the values in each block of X should be a square 2D array" ) blocks: List[TensorBlock] = [] for key, X_block in X.items(): Y_block = Y.block(key) blocks.append(_solve_block(X_block, Y_block)) return TensorMap(X.keys, blocks)
def _solve_block(X: TensorBlock, Y: TensorBlock) -> TensorBlock: """ Solve a linear system among two :py:class:`TensorBlock`. Solve the linear equation set X * w = Y for the unknown w. Where X , w, Y are all :py:class:`TensorBlock` """ # TODO handle properties and samples not in the same order? if not X.samples == Y.samples: raise ValueError( "X and Y blocks in `solve` should have the same samples in the same order" ) for X_component, Y_component in zip(X.components, Y.components): if X_component != Y_component: raise ValueError( "X and Y blocks in `solve` should have the same components \ in the same order" ) # reshape components together with the samples X_n_properties = X.values.shape[-1] X_values = X.values.reshape(-1, X_n_properties) Y_n_properties = Y.values.shape[-1] Y_values = Y.values.reshape(-1, Y_n_properties) _check_same_gradients_raise(X, Y, fname="solve") for parameter, X_gradient in X.gradients(): X_gradient_values = X_gradient.values.reshape(-1, X_n_properties) X_values = _dispatch.concatenate((X_values, X_gradient_values), axis=0) Y_gradient = Y.gradient(parameter) Y_gradient_values = Y_gradient.values.reshape(-1, Y_n_properties) Y_values = _dispatch.concatenate((Y_values, Y_gradient_values), axis=0) weights = _dispatch.solve(X_values, Y_values) return TensorBlock( values=weights.T,, components=[],, )