Function metatensor::io::load

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pub fn load(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<TensorMap, Error>
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Load the serialized tensor map from the given path.

TensorMap are serialized using numpy’s .npz format, i.e. a ZIP file without compression (storage method is STORED), where each file is stored as a .npy array. Both the ZIP and NPY format are well documented:

We add other restriction on top of these formats when saving/loading data. First, Labels instances are saved as structured array, see the labels module for more information. Only 32-bit integers are supported for Labels, and only 64-bit floats are supported for data (values and gradients).

Second, the path of the files in the archive also carry meaning. The keys of the TensorMap are stored in /keys.npy, and then different blocks are stored as

/  blocks / <block_id>  / values / samples.npy
                        / values / components  / 0.npy
                                               / <...>.npy
                                               / <n_components>.npy
                        / values / properties.npy
                        / values / data.npy

                        # optional sections for gradients, one by parameter
                        /   gradients / <parameter> / samples.npy
                                                    /   components  / 0.npy
                                                                    / <...>.npy
                                                                    / <n_components>.npy
                                                    /   data.npy