Source code for metatensor.torch.atomistic.ase_calculator

import os
import pathlib
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import torch

from .. import Labels, TensorBlock
from . import (

import ase  # isort: skip
import ase.neighborlist  # isort: skip
import ase.calculators.calculator  # isort: skip
from ase.calculators.calculator import (  # isort: skip
    all_properties as ALL_ASE_PROPERTIES,

# import here to get an error early if the user is missing metatensor-operations
from .. import sum_over_samples  # isort: skip

FilePath = Union[str, bytes, pathlib.PurePath]

[docs] class MetatensorCalculator(ase.calculators.calculator.Calculator): """ The :py:class:`MetatensorCalculator` class implements ASE's :py:class:`ase.calculators.calculator.Calculator` API using metatensor atomistic models to compute energy, forces and any other supported property. This class can be initialized with any :py:class:`MetatensorAtomisticModel`, and used to run simulations using ASE's MD facilities. """ def __init__( self, model: Union[ FilePath, MetatensorAtomisticModel, ], check_consistency=False, ): """ :param model: model to use for the calculation. This can be a file path, a Python instance of :py:class:`MetatensorAtomisticModel`, or the output of :py:func:`torch.jit.script` on :py:class:`MetatensorAtomisticModel`. :param check_consistency: should we check the model for consistency when running, defaults to False. """ super().__init__() self.parameters = { "check_consistency": check_consistency, } if isinstance(model, (str, bytes, pathlib.PurePath)): if not os.path.exists(model): raise InputError(f"given model path '{model}' does not exist") check_atomistic_model(model) self._model = torch.jit.load(model) self.parameters["model_path"] = str(model) elif isinstance(model, torch.jit.RecursiveScriptModule): if model.original_name != "MetatensorAtomisticModel": raise InputError( "torch model must be 'MetatensorAtomisticModel', " f"got '{model.original_name}' instead" ) self._model = model elif isinstance(model, MetatensorAtomisticModel): self._model = model else: raise TypeError(f"unknown type for model: {type(model)}") # We do our own check to verify if a property is implemented in `calculate()`, # so we pretend to be able to compute all properties ASE knows about. self.implemented_properties = ALL_ASE_PROPERTIES def todict(self): if "model_path" not in self.parameters: raise RuntimeError( "can not save metatensor model in ASE `todict`, please initialize " "`MetatensorCalculator` with a path to a saved model file if you need " "to use `todict`" ) return self.parameters @classmethod def fromdict(cls, data): return MetatensorCalculator(data["model_path"], data["check_consistency"])
[docs] def run_model( self, atoms: ase.Atoms, outputs: Dict[str, ModelOutput], selected_atoms: Optional[Labels] = None, ) -> Dict[str, TensorBlock]: """ Run the model on the given ``atoms``, computing properties according to the ``outputs`` and ``selected_atoms`` options. The output of the model is returned directly, and as such the blocks' ``values`` will be :py:class:`torch.Tensor`. This is intended as an easy way to run metatensor models on :py:class:`ase.Atoms` when the model can predict properties not supported by the usual ASE's calculator interface. """ species, positions, cell = _ase_to_torch_data(atoms) system = System(species, positions, cell) # Compute the neighbors lists requested by the model using ASE NL for options in self._model.requested_neighbors_lists(length_unit="angstrom"): neighbors = _compute_ase_neighbors(atoms, options) register_autograd_neighbors( system, neighbors, check_consistency=self.parameters["check_consistency"], ) system.add_neighbors_list(options, neighbors) options = ModelEvaluationOptions( length_unit="angstrom", outputs=outputs, selected_atoms=selected_atoms, ) return self._model( systems=[system], options=options, check_consistency=self.parameters["check_consistency"], )
[docs] def calculate( self, atoms: ase.Atoms, properties: List[str], system_changes: List[str], ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """ Compute some ``properties`` with this calculator, and return them in the format expected by ASE. This is not intended to be called directly by users, but to be an implementation detail of ``atoms.get_energy()`` and related functions. See :py:meth:`ase.calculators.calculator.Calculator.calculate` for more information. """ super().calculate( atoms=atoms, properties=properties, system_changes=system_changes, ) outputs = _ase_properties_to_metatensor_outputs(properties) species, positions, cell = _ase_to_torch_data(atoms) do_backward = False if "forces" in properties: do_backward = True positions.requires_grad_(True) if "stress" in properties: do_backward = True scaling = torch.eye(3, requires_grad=True, dtype=cell.dtype) positions = positions @ scaling positions.retain_grad() cell = cell @ scaling if "stresses" in properties: raise NotImplementedError("'stresses' are not implemented yet") # convert from ase.Atoms to metatensor.torch.atomistic.System system = System(species, positions, cell) for options in self._model.requested_neighbors_lists(length_unit="angstrom"): neighbors = _compute_ase_neighbors(atoms, options) register_autograd_neighbors( system, neighbors, check_consistency=self.parameters["check_consistency"], ) system.add_neighbors_list(options, neighbors) run_options = ModelEvaluationOptions( length_unit="angstrom", outputs=outputs, selected_atoms=None, ) outputs = self._model( [system], run_options, check_consistency=self.parameters["check_consistency"], ) energy = outputs["energy"] if run_options.outputs["energy"].per_atom: assert len(energy) == 1 assert energy.sample_names == ["structure", "atom"] assert torch.all(energy.block().samples["structure"] == 0) assert torch.all( energy.block().samples["atom"] == torch.arange(positions.shape[0]) ) energies = energy.block().values assert energies.shape == (len(atoms), 1) energy = sum_over_samples(energy, sample_names=["atom"]) assert len(energy.block().gradients_list()) == 0 energy = energy.block().values assert energy.shape == (1, 1) self.results = {} if "energies" in properties: self.results["energies"] = ( energies.detach().to(device="cpu").numpy().reshape(-1) ) if "energy" in properties: self.results["energy"] = energy.detach().to(device="cpu").numpy()[0, 0] if do_backward: energy.backward(-torch.ones_like(energy)) if "forces" in properties: self.results["forces"] = ("cpu").numpy().reshape(-1, 3) ) if "stress" in properties: volume = atoms.cell.volume scaling_grad ="cpu").numpy().reshape(3, 3) self.results["stress"] = _full_3x3_to_voigt_6_stress(scaling_grad / volume)
def _ase_properties_to_metatensor_outputs(properties): energy_properties = [] for p in properties: if p in ["energy", "energies", "forces", "stress", "stresses"]: energy_properties.append(p) else: raise PropertyNotImplementedError( f"property '{p}' it not yet supported by this calculator, " "even if it might be supported by the model" ) output = ModelOutput() output.quantity = "energy" output.unit = "ev" output.explicit_gradients = [] if "energies" in properties or "stresses" in properties: output.per_atom = True else: output.per_atom = False if "stresses" in properties: output.explicit_gradients = ["cell"] return {"energy": output} def _compute_ase_neighbors(atoms, options): nl = ase.neighborlist.NeighborList( cutoffs=[options.engine_cutoff] * len(atoms), skin=0.0, sorted=False, self_interaction=False, bothways=options.full_list, primitive=ase.neighborlist.NewPrimitiveNeighborList, ) nl.update(atoms) cell = torch.from_numpy(atoms.cell[:]) positions = torch.from_numpy(atoms.positions) samples = [] distances = [] cutoff2 = options.engine_cutoff * options.engine_cutoff for i in range(len(atoms)): indices, offsets = nl.get_neighbors(i) for j, offset in zip(indices, offsets): distance = positions[j] - positions[i] + distance2 =, distance).item() if distance2 > cutoff2: continue samples.append((i, j, offset[0], offset[1], offset[2])) distances.append( if len(distances) == 0: distances = torch.zeros((0, 3), dtype=positions.dtype) samples = torch.zeros((0, 5), dtype=torch.int32) else: samples = torch.tensor(samples, dtype=torch.int32) distances = torch.vstack(distances) return TensorBlock( values=distances.reshape(-1, 3, 1), samples=Labels( names=[ "first_atom", "second_atom", "cell_shift_a", "cell_shift_b", "cell_shift_c", ], values=samples, ), components=[Labels.range("xyz", 3)], properties=Labels.range("distance", 1), ) def _ase_to_torch_data(atoms): """Get the positions and cell from ASE atoms as torch tensors""" species = torch.from_numpy(atoms.numbers).to(dtype=torch.int32) positions = torch.from_numpy(atoms.positions) if np.all(atoms.pbc): cell = torch.from_numpy(atoms.cell[:]) elif np.any(atoms.pbc): raise ValueError( f"partial PBC ({atoms.pbc}) are not currently supported in " "metatensor atomistic models" ) else: cell = torch.zeros((3, 3), dtype=torch.float64) return species, positions, cell def _full_3x3_to_voigt_6_stress(stress): ase.stress.full_3x3_to_voigt_6_stress """ Re-implementation of ``ase.stress.full_3x3_to_voigt_6_stress`` which does not do the stress symmetrization correctly (they do ``(stress[1, 2] + stress[1, 2]) / 2.0``) """ return np.transpose( [ stress[0, 0], stress[1, 1], stress[2, 2], (stress[1, 2] + stress[2, 1]) / 2.0, (stress[0, 2] + stress[2, 0]) / 2.0, (stress[0, 1] + stress[1, 0]) / 2.0, ] )