Source code for metatensor.operations.is_contiguous

from . import _dispatch
from ._backend import TensorBlock, TensorMap, torch_jit_script

[docs] @torch_jit_script def is_contiguous_block(block: TensorBlock) -> bool: """ Checks whether the values array and gradients values arrays (if present) of an input :py:class:`TensorBlock` are contiguous. Note that arrays of :py:class:`Labels` objects are not checked for contiguity. :param block: the input :py:class:`TensorBlock`. :return: bool, true if all values arrays contiguous, false otherwise. """ if not _dispatch.is_contiguous(block.values): return False for _parameter, gradient in block.gradients(): if len(gradient.gradients_list()) != 0: raise NotImplementedError("gradients of gradients are not supported") if not _dispatch.is_contiguous(gradient.values): return False return True
[docs] @torch_jit_script def is_contiguous(tensor: TensorMap) -> bool: """ Checks whether all values arrays and gradients values arrays (if present) in all :py:class:`TensorBlock` of an input :py:class:`TensorMap` are contiguous. Note that arrays of :py:class:`Labels` objects are not checked for contiguity. :param tensor: the input :py:class:`TensorMap`. :return: bool, true if all values arrays contiguous, false otherwise. """ for block in tensor.blocks(): if not is_contiguous_block(block): return False return True