Source code for metatensor.operations.requires_grad

from typing import List

from . import _dispatch
from ._backend import TensorBlock, TensorMap, torch_jit_script

[docs] @torch_jit_script def requires_grad_block(block: TensorBlock, requires_grad: bool = True) -> TensorBlock: """ Set ``requires_grad`` on the values and all gradients in this ``block`` to the provided value. This is mainly intended for torch arrays, and will warn if trying to set ``requires_grad=True`` with numpy arrays. :param block: :py:class:`TensorBlock` to modify :param requires_grad: new value for ``requires_grad`` """ new_block = TensorBlock( values=_dispatch.requires_grad(block.values, value=requires_grad), samples=block.samples, components=block.components,, ) for parameter, gradient in block.gradients(): if len(gradient.gradients_list()) != 0: raise NotImplementedError("gradients of gradients are not supported") new_block.add_gradient( parameter=parameter, gradient=TensorBlock( values=_dispatch.requires_grad(gradient.values, value=requires_grad), samples=gradient.samples, components=gradient.components,, ), ) return new_block
[docs] @torch_jit_script def requires_grad(tensor: TensorMap, requires_grad: bool = True) -> TensorMap: """ Set ``requires_grad`` on all arrays (blocks and gradients of blocks) in this ``tensor`` to the provided value. This is mainly intended for torch arrays, and will warn if trying to set ``requires_grad=True`` with numpy arrays. :param tensor: :py:class:`TensorMap` to modify :param requires_grad: new value for ``requires_grad`` """ blocks: List[TensorBlock] = [] for block in tensor.blocks(): blocks.append(requires_grad_block(block, requires_grad=requires_grad)) return TensorMap(tensor.keys, blocks)