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Datasets and data loaders¶
This tutorial shows how to define Dataset
and DataLoader
compatible with PyTorch and containing metatensor data (i.e. data stored in
) in addition to more usual types of data.
import os
import torch
from import DataLoader, Dataset
from metatensor.torch import Labels, TensorBlock, TensorMap
Let’s define a simple dummy dataset with two fields, named ‘x’ and ‘y’. Every field in the Dataset must be a list of objects corresponding to the different samples in this dataset.
Let’s define our x data as a list of random tensors, and our y data as a list of integers enumerating the samples.
n_samples = 5
x_data = [torch.randn(3) for _ in range(n_samples)]
y_data = [i for i in range(n_samples)]
In-memory dataset¶
We are ready to build out first dataset. The simplest use case is when all data is in
memory. In this case, we can pass the data directly to the Dataset
constructor as keyword arguments, named and ordered according to how we want the data
to be returned when we access samples in the dataset.
in_memory_dataset = Dataset(x=x_data, y=y_data)
We can now access samples in the dataset. The returned object is a named tuple with
fields corresponding to the keyword arguments given to the :py:class:Dataset`
constructor (here ``x
and y
Sample(x=tensor([ 1.4284, -0.3042, -1.2492]), y=0)
One can also iterate over the samples in the dataset as follows:
for sample in in_memory_dataset:
Sample(x=tensor([ 1.4284, -0.3042, -1.2492]), y=0)
Sample(x=tensor([-0.1501, -0.9661, 1.3413]), y=1)
Sample(x=tensor([-1.2920, -0.2884, -0.3437]), y=2)
Sample(x=tensor([-0.3302, -0.3646, -0.6607]), y=3)
Sample(x=tensor([-0.3981, 0.2002, -0.2074]), y=4)
Any number of named data fields can be passed to the Dataset constructor, as long as they are all uniquely named, and are all lists of the same length. The elements of each list can be any type of object (integer, string, torch Tensor, etc.), as long as it is the type same for all samples in the respective field.
For example, here we are creating a dataset of torch tensors (x
), integers
), and strings (z
bigger_dataset = Dataset(x=x_data, y=y_data, z=["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"])
print("Sample 4, z field:", bigger_dataset[4].z)
Sample(x=tensor([ 1.4284, -0.3042, -1.2492]), y=0, z='a')
Sample 4, z field: e
Mixed in-memory / on-disk dataset¶
Now suppose we have a large dataset, where the x data is too large to fit in memory. In this case, we might want to lazily load data when training a model with minibatches.
Let’s save the x data to disk to simulate this use case.
# Create a directory to save the dummy x data to disk
os.makedirs("data", exist_ok=True)
for i, x in enumerate(x_data):, f"data/x_{i}.pt")
In order for the x data to be loaded lazily, we need to give the Dataset
function that loads a single sample into memory. This can a function of
arbitrary complexity, taking a single argument which is the numeric index (between
and len(dataset)
) of the sample to load
def load_x(sample_id):
Loads the x data for the sample indexed by `sample_id` from disk and returns the
object in memory
print(f"loading x for sample {sample_id}")
return torch.load(f"data/x_{sample_id}.pt")
print("load_x called with sample index 0:", load_x(0))
loading x for sample 0
load_x called with sample index 0: tensor([ 1.4284, -0.3042, -1.2492])
Now when we define a dataset, the ‘x’ data field can be passed as a callable.
mixed_dataset = Dataset(x=load_x, y=y_data)
loading x for sample 3
Sample(x=tensor([-0.3302, -0.3646, -0.6607]), y=3)
On-disk dataset¶
Finally, suppose we have a large dataset, where both the x and y data are too large to fit in memory. In this case, we might want to lazily load all data when training a model with minibatches.
Let’s save the y data to disk as well to simulate this use case.
for i, y in enumerate(y_data):, f"data/y_{i}.pt")
def load_y(sample_id):
Loads the y data for the sample indexed by `sample_id` from disk and
returns the object in memory
print(f"loading y for sample {sample_id}")
return torch.load(f"data/y_{sample_id}.pt")
print("load_y called with sample index 0:", load_y(0))
loading y for sample 0
load_y called with sample index 0: 0
Now when we define a dataset, as all the fields are to be lazily loaded, we need to
indicate how many samples are in the dataset with the size
Internally, the Dataset class infers the unique sample indexes as a continuous integer
sequence starting from 0 to size - 1
(inclusive). In this case, sample indexes are
therefore [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]. These indexes are used to lazily load the data upon access.
on_disk_dataset = Dataset(x=load_x, y=load_y, size=n_samples)
loading x for sample 2
loading y for sample 2
Sample(x=tensor([-1.2920, -0.2884, -0.3437]), y=2)
Building a Dataloader¶
Now let’s see how we can use the Dataset class to build a DataLoader.
Metatensor’s DataLoader
class is a wrapper around the PyTorch DataLoader
class, and as such can be initialized with a Dataset
object. It will also inherit
all of the default arguments from the PyTorch DataLoader class.
in_memory_dataloader = DataLoader(in_memory_dataset)
We can now iterate over the DataLoader to access batches of samples from the dataset. With no arguments passed, the default batch size is 1 and the samples are not shuffled.
for batch in in_memory_dataloader:
As an alternative syntax, the data fields can be unpacked into separate variables in the for loop.
for x, y in in_memory_dataloader:
print(x, y)
tensor([[ 1.4284, -0.3042, -1.2492]]) (0,)
tensor([[-0.1501, -0.9661, 1.3413]]) (1,)
tensor([[-1.2920, -0.2884, -0.3437]]) (2,)
tensor([[-0.3302, -0.3646, -0.6607]]) (3,)
tensor([[-0.3981, 0.2002, -0.2074]]) (4,)
We can also pass arguments to the DataLoader constructor to change the batch size and shuffling of the samples.
in_memory_dataloader = DataLoader(in_memory_dataset, batch_size=2, shuffle=True)
for batch in in_memory_dataloader:
(0, 4)
(3, 2)
Data loaders for cross-validation¶
One can use the usual torch
function to split
a Dataset
into train, validation, and test subsets for cross-validation purposes.
s can then be constructed for each subset.
# Perform a random train/val/test split of the Dataset,
# in the relative proportions (60% / 20% / 20%)
train_dataset, val_dataset, test_dataset =
in_memory_dataset, [0.6, 0.2, 0.2]
# Construct DataLoaders for each subset
train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_dataset)
val_dataloader = DataLoader(val_dataset)
test_dataloader = DataLoader(test_dataset)
# As the Dataset was initialized with 5 samples, the split should be 3:1:1
print(f"Dataset size: {len(on_disk_dataset)}")
print(f"Training set size: {len(train_dataloader)}")
print(f"Validation set size: {len(val_dataloader)}")
print(f"Test set size: {len(test_dataloader)}")
Dataset size: 5
Training set size: 3
Validation set size: 1
Test set size: 1
Working with torch.Tensor
and metatensor.torch.TensorMap
As the Dataset
and DataLoader
classes exist to interface
metatensor and torch, let’s explore how they behave when using
and metatensor.torch.TensorMap
objects as the
We’ll consider some dummy data consisting of the following fields:
descriptor: a list of random TensorMap objects
scalar: a list of random floats
vector: a list of random torch Tensors
# Create a dummy descriptor as a TensorMap
descriptor = [
names=["key_1", "key_2"],
values=torch.tensor([[1, 2]]),
values=torch.randn((1, 3)),
samples=Labels("sample_id", torch.tensor([[sample_id]])),
properties=Labels("p", torch.tensor([[1], [4], [5]])),
for sample_id in range(n_samples)
# Create dummy scalar and vectorial target properties as torch Tensors
scalar = [float(torch.rand(1, 1)) for _ in range(n_samples)]
vector = [torch.rand(1, 3) for _ in range(n_samples)]
# Build the Dataset
dataset = Dataset(
Sample(scalar=0.4229952096939087, vector=tensor([[0.5750, 0.6730, 0.0092]]), descriptor=TensorMap with 1 blocks
keys: key_1 key_2
1 2)
Merging samples in a batch¶
As is typically customary when working with torch Tensors, we want to vertically stack the samples in a minibatch into a single Tensor object. This allows passing a single Tensor object to a model, rather than a tuple of Tensor objects. In a similar way, sparse data stored in metatensor TensorMap objects can also be vertically stacked, i.e. joined along the samples axis, into a single TensorMap object.
The default collate_fn
used by DataLoader
), vstacks (respectively joins along
the samples axis) data fields that correspond torch.Tensor
). For all other data types, the data is left as
tuple containing all samples in the current batch in order.
batch_size = 2
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size)
We can look at a single Batch
object (i.e. a named tuple, returned by the
) to see this in action.
batch = next(iter(dataloader))
# TensorMaps for each sample in the batch joined along the samples axis
# into a single TensorMap
print("batch.descriptor =", batch.descriptor)
# `scalar` data are float objects, so are just grouped and returned in a tuple
print("batch.scalar =", batch.scalar)
assert len(batch.scalar) == batch_size
# `vector` data are torch Tensors, so are vertically stacked into a single
# Tensor
print("batch.vector =", batch.vector)
batch.descriptor = TensorMap with 1 blocks
keys: key_1 key_2
1 2
batch.scalar = (0.4229952096939087, 0.8201811909675598)
batch.vector = tensor([[0.5750, 0.6730, 0.0092],
[0.7650, 0.4352, 0.5428]])
Advanced functionality: IndexedDataset¶
What if we wanted to explicitly define the sample indexes used to store and access samples in the dataset? See the next tutorial, Using IndexedDataset, for more details!
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.531 seconds)