Source code for

import ctypes
from typing import Union

import numpy as np

from .._c_api import c_uintptr_t, mts_array_t, mts_data_origin_t
from ..utils import catch_exceptions

    import torch

    HAS_TORCH = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_TORCH = False

def _register_origin(name):
    from .._c_lib import _get_library

    lib = _get_library()
    origin = mts_data_origin_t(0)
    lib.mts_register_data_origin(name.encode("utf8"), origin)
    return origin.value

def _is_numpy_array(array):
    return isinstance(array, np.ndarray)

def _is_torch_array(array):
    if not HAS_TORCH:
        return False

    return isinstance(array, torch.Tensor)


def _origin_numpy():
        _NUMPY_STORAGE_ORIGIN = _register_origin(__name__ + ".numpy")


def _origin_pytorch():
        _TORCH_STORAGE_ORIGIN = _register_origin(__name__ + ".torch")


    torch_dtype = torch.dtype
    torch_device = torch.device

    class torch_dtype:

    class torch_device:

DType = Union[np.dtype, torch_dtype]
"""Type representing a dtype in either numpy or torch"""

Device = Union[str, torch_device]
"""Type representing a device in either numpy or torch"""

def array_dtype(array) -> DType:
    """Get the dtype of an array"""
    if _is_numpy_array(array) or _is_torch_array(array):
        return array.dtype
        raise TypeError(f"unknown array type: {type(array)}")

def array_change_dtype(array, dtype: DType):
    """Change the dtype of an array"""
    if _is_numpy_array(array):
        return array.astype(dtype)
    elif _is_torch_array(array):
        raise TypeError(f"unknown array type: {type(array)}")

def array_device(array) -> Device:
    """Get the device of an array"""
    if _is_numpy_array(array):
        return "cpu"
    elif _is_torch_array(array):
        return array.device
        raise TypeError(f"unknown array type: {type(array)}")

def array_device_is_cpu(array) -> bool:
    """Check if the device of an array is CPU"""
    if _is_numpy_array(array):
        return True
    elif _is_torch_array(array):
        return array.device.type == torch.device("cpu").type
        raise TypeError(f"unknown array type: {type(array)}")

def array_change_device(array, device: Device):
    """Change the device of an array"""
    if _is_numpy_array(array):
        if device != "cpu":
            raise ValueError(f"can not move numpy array to non-cpu device: {device}")
        return array
    elif _is_torch_array(array):
        raise TypeError(f"unknown array type: {type(array)}")

def array_change_backend(array, backend: str):
    if _is_numpy_array(array):
        if backend == "numpy":
            return array
        elif backend == "torch":
            if not HAS_TORCH:
                raise ModuleNotFoundError(
                    "can not convert to `torch` arrays since PyTorch is not installed"
                return torch.from_numpy(array)
            raise ValueError(f"unknown array backend: '{backend}'")

    elif _is_torch_array(array):
        if backend == "numpy":
            return array.numpy()
        elif backend == "torch":
            return array
            raise ValueError(f"unknown array backend: '{backend}'")

        raise TypeError(f"unknown array type: {type(array)}")

[docs] class DeviceWarning(RuntimeWarning): """ Custom warning class for device mismatch in :py:class:`TensorBlock` and :py:class:`TensorMap`. """
class ArrayWrapper: """Store together some Python array and it's shape as C-compatible data""" __slots__ = ["array", "c_shape"] def __init__(self, array, c_shape): self.array = array self.c_shape = c_shape # We keep wrappers of Python arrays alive by storing a reference to them in this # dictionary. Each value is stored under the `id(value)` key, which makes sure no two # values have the same key. _KNOWN_ARRAY_WRAPPERS = {} # cache array types by array length, since creating the type everytime is a bit slow _POSSIBLE_C_SHAPE_TYPES = [ctypes.ARRAY(c_uintptr_t, N) for N in range(64)] def create_mts_array(array): """ Create a ``mts_array_t`` corresponding to the given ``array``, which should be either :py:class:`torch.Tensor` or :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`. """ c_shape = _POSSIBLE_C_SHAPE_TYPES[len(array.shape)]() c_shape[:] = array.shape wrapper = ArrayWrapper(array, c_shape) if _is_numpy_array(array): mts_array_origin = _MTS_ARRAY_ORIGIN_NUMPY elif _is_torch_array(array): mts_array_origin = _MTS_ARRAY_ORIGIN_PYTORCH else: raise ValueError(f"unknown array type: {type(array)}") global _KNOWN_ARRAY_WRAPPERS _KNOWN_ARRAY_WRAPPERS[id(wrapper)] = wrapper mts_array = mts_array_t.from_buffer_copy(_DEFAULT_MTS_ARRAY) # we use id(wrapper) as the C API user-data "pointer", since we can use it together # with `_KNOWN_ARRAY_WRAPPERS` to recover the corresponding Python object. mts_array.ptr = id(wrapper) mts_array.origin = mts_array_origin return mts_array @catch_exceptions def _mts_array_data(this, data): wrapper = _KNOWN_ARRAY_WRAPPERS[this] if _is_numpy_array(wrapper.array): array = wrapper.array elif _is_torch_array(wrapper.array): array = wrapper.array if array.device.type != "cpu": raise ValueError("can only get data pointer for tensors on CPU") # `.numpy()` will fail if the data is on GPU or requires gradient # tracking, and the resulting array is sharing data storage with the # tensor, meaning we can take a pointer to it without the array being # freed immediately. array = array.numpy() if not raise ValueError("can not get data pointer for non contiguous array") if not array.dtype == np.float64: raise ValueError( f"can not get data pointer for array type {array.dtype}, " "only float64 is supported. If you are trying to save a TensorMap " "to a file, you can set `use_numpy=True`." ) data[0] = array.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)) @catch_exceptions def _mts_array_shape(this, shape_ptr, shape_count): wrapper = _KNOWN_ARRAY_WRAPPERS[this] shape_ptr[0] = wrapper.c_shape shape_count[0] = len(wrapper.c_shape) @catch_exceptions def _mts_array_reshape(this, shape_ptr, shape_count): wrapper = _KNOWN_ARRAY_WRAPPERS[this] shape = [] for i in range(shape_count): shape.append(shape_ptr[i]) wrapper.array = wrapper.array.reshape(shape) wrapper.c_shape = _POSSIBLE_C_SHAPE_TYPES[len(shape)]() wrapper.c_shape[:] = shape @catch_exceptions def _mts_array_swap_axes(this, axis_1, axis_2): wrapper = _KNOWN_ARRAY_WRAPPERS[this] wrapper.array = wrapper.array.swapaxes(axis_1, axis_2) shape = wrapper.array.shape wrapper.c_shape = _POSSIBLE_C_SHAPE_TYPES[len(shape)]() wrapper.c_shape[:] = shape @catch_exceptions def _mts_array_create(this, shape_ptr, shape_count, new_array): wrapper = _KNOWN_ARRAY_WRAPPERS[this] shape = [] for i in range(shape_count): shape.append(shape_ptr[i]) dtype = wrapper.array.dtype if _is_numpy_array(wrapper.array): array = np.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) elif _is_torch_array(wrapper.array): array = torch.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype, device=wrapper.array.device) new_array[0] = create_mts_array(array) @catch_exceptions def _mts_array_copy(this, new_array): wrapper = _KNOWN_ARRAY_WRAPPERS[this] if _is_numpy_array(wrapper.array): array = wrapper.array.copy() elif _is_torch_array(wrapper.array): array = wrapper.array.clone() new_array[0] = create_mts_array(array) @catch_exceptions def _mts_array_destroy(this): del _KNOWN_ARRAY_WRAPPERS[this] @catch_exceptions def _mts_array_move_samples_from( this, input, samples_ptr, samples_count, property_start, property_end, ): output = _KNOWN_ARRAY_WRAPPERS[this].array input = _KNOWN_ARRAY_WRAPPERS[input].array input_samples = [] output_samples = [] for i in range(samples_count): input_samples.append(samples_ptr[i].input) output_samples.append(samples_ptr[i].output) properties = slice(property_start, property_end) output[output_samples, ..., properties] = input[input_samples, ..., :] def _cast_to_ctype_functype(function, field_name): for name, klass in mts_array_t._fields_: if name == field_name: return klass(function) raise ValueError(f"no field named {field_name} in mts_array_t") _MTS_ARRAY_DATA = _cast_to_ctype_functype(_mts_array_data, "data") _MTS_ARRAY_SHAPE = _cast_to_ctype_functype(_mts_array_shape, "shape") _MTS_ARRAY_RESHAPE = _cast_to_ctype_functype(_mts_array_reshape, "reshape") _MTS_ARRAY_SWAP_AXES = _cast_to_ctype_functype(_mts_array_swap_axes, "swap_axes") _MTS_ARRAY_CREATE = _cast_to_ctype_functype(_mts_array_create, "create") _MTS_ARRAY_COPY = _cast_to_ctype_functype(_mts_array_copy, "copy") _MTS_ARRAY_DESTROY = _cast_to_ctype_functype(_mts_array_destroy, "destroy") _MTS_ARRAY_MOVE_SAMPLES_FROM = _cast_to_ctype_functype( _mts_array_move_samples_from, "move_samples_from" ) @catch_exceptions def mts_array_origin_numpy(this, origin): origin[0] = _origin_numpy() @catch_exceptions def mts_array_origin_pytorch(this, origin): origin[0] = _origin_pytorch() _MTS_ARRAY_ORIGIN_NUMPY = _cast_to_ctype_functype(mts_array_origin_numpy, "origin") _MTS_ARRAY_ORIGIN_PYTORCH = _cast_to_ctype_functype(mts_array_origin_pytorch, "origin") # The default value for all Python-provided `mts_array_t`. Only the first two members # will change, having a pre-allocated instance will make it faster to create new ones # with `mts_array_t.from_buffer_copy`. _DEFAULT_MTS_ARRAY = mts_array_t( ptr=0, origin=_cast_to_ctype_functype(lambda u: u, "origin"), data=_MTS_ARRAY_DATA, shape=_MTS_ARRAY_SHAPE, reshape=_MTS_ARRAY_RESHAPE, swap_axes=_MTS_ARRAY_SWAP_AXES, create=_MTS_ARRAY_CREATE, copy=_MTS_ARRAY_COPY, destroy=_MTS_ARRAY_DESTROY, move_samples_from=_MTS_ARRAY_MOVE_SAMPLES_FROM, )