Source code for

import ctypes
from typing import Any, NewType, Union

import numpy as np

from .._c_api import c_uintptr_t, mts_array_t, mts_data_origin_t
from ..status import _check_status
from ..utils import _call_with_growing_buffer, _ptr_to_ndarray
from .array import _object_from_ptr, _origin_numpy, _origin_pytorch, _register_origin

    import torch

    HAS_TORCH = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_TORCH = False

    # This NewType is only used for typechecking and documentation purposes. If you are
    # trying to add support for new array types, see `data.array.ArrayWrapper` instead.
    Array = NewType("Array", Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor])
    Array = NewType("Array", np.ndarray)

Array.__doc__ = """
An ``Array`` contains the actual data stored in a :py:class:`metatensor.TensorBlock`.

This data is manipulated by ``metatensor`` in a completely opaque way: this library does
not know what's inside the arrays appart from a small set of constrains:

- the array contains numeric data (:py:func:`metatensor.load` and
  :py:func:`` additionally requires contiguous arrays of 64-bit IEEE-754
  floating points numbers);
- they are stored as row-major, n-dimensional arrays with at least 2 dimensions;
- it is possible to create new arrays and move data from one array to another.

The actual type of an ``Array`` depends on how the :py:class:`metatensor.TensorBlock`
was created. Currently, :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` and :py:class:`torch.Tensor` are


[docs] def register_external_data_wrapper(origin, klass): """ Register a non-Python data origin and the corresponding class wrapper. The wrapper class constructor must take two arguments (raw ``mts_array`` and python ``parent`` object) and return a subclass of either :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` or :py:class:`torch.Tensor`, which keeps ``parent`` alive. The :py:class:`` class should provide the right behavior for data living in CPU memory, and can serve as an example for more advanced custom arrays. :param origin: data origin name as a string, corresponding to the output of :c:func:`mts_array_t.origin` :param klass: wrapper class to use for this origin """ if not isinstance(origin, str): raise ValueError(f"origin must be a string, got {type(origin)}") global _ADDITIONAL_ORIGINS _ADDITIONAL_ORIGINS[_register_origin(origin)] = klass
def mts_array_to_python_array(mts_array, parent=None): """Convert a raw mts_array to a Python ``Array``. Either the underlying array was allocated by Python, and the Python object is directly returned; or the underlying array was not allocated by Python, and additional origins are searched for a suitable Python wrapper class. """ origin = data_origin(mts_array) if _is_python_origin(origin): return _object_from_ptr(mts_array.ptr).array elif origin in _ADDITIONAL_ORIGINS: return _ADDITIONAL_ORIGINS[origin](mts_array, parent=parent) else: raise ValueError( f"unable to handle data coming from '{data_origin_name(origin)}', " "you should maybe register a new array wrapper with metatensor" ) def mts_array_was_allocated_by_python(mts_array): """Check if a given mts_array was allocated by Python""" return _is_python_origin(data_origin(mts_array)) def _is_python_origin(origin): return origin in [_origin_numpy(), _origin_pytorch()] def data_origin(mts_array): """Get the data origin of an mts_array""" origin = mts_data_origin_t() mts_array.origin(mts_array.ptr, origin) return origin.value def data_origin_name(origin): """Get the name of the data origin of an mts_array""" from .._c_lib import _get_library lib = _get_library() return _call_with_growing_buffer( lambda buffer, bufflen: lib.mts_get_data_origin(origin, buffer, bufflen) ) # ============================================================================ #
[docs] class ExternalCpuArray(np.ndarray): """ Small wrapper class around ``np.ndarray``, adding a reference to a parent Python object that actually owns the memory used inside the array. This prevents the parent from being garbage collected while the ndarray is still alive, thus preventing use-after-free. This is intended to be used to wrap Rust-owned memory inside a numpy's ndarray, while making sure the memory owner is kept around for long enough. """ def __new__(cls, mts_array: mts_array_t, parent: Any): """ :param mts_array: raw array to wrap in a Python-compatible class :param parent: owner of the raw array, we will keep a reference to this python object """ shape_ptr = ctypes.POINTER(c_uintptr_t)() shape_count = c_uintptr_t() status = mts_array.shape(mts_array.ptr, shape_ptr, shape_count) _check_status(status) shape = [] for i in range(shape_count.value): shape.append(shape_ptr[i]) data = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)() status =, data) _check_status(status) array = _ptr_to_ndarray(data, shape, np.float64) obj = array.view(cls) # keep a reference to the parent object (if any) to prevent it from # being garbage-collected too early. obj._parent = parent return obj def __array_finalize__(self, obj): # keep the parent around when creating sub-views of this array self._parent = getattr(obj, "_parent", None) def __array_wrap__(self, new, context=None, return_scalar=False): self_ptr = self_size = self.nbytes new_ptr = if self_ptr <= new_ptr <= self_ptr + self_size: # if the new array is a view inside memory owned by self, wrap it in # a ExternalCpuArray return super().__array_wrap__(new) else: # return the ndarray straight away return np.asarray(new)