Source code for metatensor.learn.nn.tanh

from typing import List, Optional

import torch
from torch.nn import Module

from .._backend import Labels, TensorMap
from .module_map import ModuleMap

[docs] class Tanh(Module): """ Module similar to :py:class:`torch.nn.Tanh` that works with :py:class:`metatensor.torch.TensorMap` objects. Applies a hyperbolic tangent transformation to each block of a :py:class:`TensorMap` passed to its forward method, indexed by :param in_keys:. Refer to the :py:class`torch.nn.Tanh` documentation for a more detailed description of the parameters. :param in_keys: :py:class:`Labels`, the keys that are assumed to be in the input tensor map in the :py:meth:`forward` method. :param out_properties: list of :py:class`Labels` (optional), the properties labels of the output. By default the output properties are relabeled using Labels.range. """ def __init__( self, in_keys: Labels, out_properties: Optional[Labels] = None ) -> None: super().__init__() modules: List[Module] = [torch.nn.Tanh() for i in range(len(in_keys))] self.module_map = ModuleMap(in_keys, modules, out_properties)
[docs] def forward(self, tensor: TensorMap) -> TensorMap: """ Apply the transformation to the input tensor map `tensor`. Note: currently not supporting gradients. :param tensor: :py:class:`TensorMap` with the input tensor to be transformed. :return: :py:class:`TensorMap` """ # Currently not supporting gradients if len(tensor[0].gradients_list()) != 0: raise ValueError( "Gradients not supported. Please use metatensor.remove_gradients()" " before using this module" ) return self.module_map(tensor)
[docs] class InvariantTanh(torch.nn.Module): """ Module similar to :py:class:`torch.nn.Tanh` that works with :py:class:`metatensor.torch.TensorMap` objects, applying the transformation only to the invariant blocks. Applies a hyperbolic tangent transformation to each invariant block of a :py:class:`TensorMap` passed to its :py:meth:`forward` method. These are indexed by the keys in :param in_keys: at numeric indices passed in :param invariant_key_idxs:. Refer to the :py:class`torch.nn.Tanh` documentation for a more detailed description of the parameters. :param in_keys: :py:class:`Labels`, the keys that are assumed to be in the input tensor map in the :py:meth:`forward` method. :param invariant_key_idxs: list of int, the indices of the invariant keys present in `in_keys` in the input :py:class:`TensorMap`. Only blocks for these keys will have the tanh transformation applied. Covariant blocks will have the identity operator applied. :param out_properties: list of :py:class`Labels` (optional), the properties labels of the output. By default the output properties are relabeled using Labels.range. """ def __init__( self, in_keys: Labels, invariant_key_idxs: List[int], out_properties: Optional[Labels] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() modules: List[Module] = [] for i in range(len(in_keys)): if i in invariant_key_idxs: # Invariant block: apply tanh module = torch.nn.Tanh() else: # Covariant block: apply identity operator module = torch.nn.Identity() modules.append(module) self.module_map: ModuleMap = ModuleMap(in_keys, modules, out_properties)
[docs] def forward(self, tensor: TensorMap) -> TensorMap: """ Apply the transformation to the input tensor map `tensor`. Note: currently not supporting gradients. :param tensor: :py:class:`TensorMap` with the input tensor to be transformed. :return: :py:class:`TensorMap` """ # Currently not supporting gradients if len(tensor[0].gradients_list()) != 0: raise ValueError( "Gradients not supported. Please use metatensor.remove_gradients()" " before using this module" ) return self.module_map(tensor)