Source code for metatensor.operations._checks

import os

def _parse_bool_env_var(key):
    """Parses a boolean environment variable. Returns ``False`` if it doesn't exist."""
    value = os.environ.get(key, default="")
    return value.lower() in ["true", "1", "yes", "on"]

# global variable storing the state if checks should be performed or not

[docs] def checks_enabled() -> bool: """Check status if metatensor checks should be performed.""" return _CHECKS_ENABLED
class _SetChecks: """Private parent class for setting metatensor check control to a certain state. Refer to the docstring of ``disable_checks`` for more details.""" def __init__(self, state): global _CHECKS_ENABLED self.original_check_state = _CHECKS_ENABLED self.state = state _CHECKS_ENABLED = self.state def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"checks {'en' if self.state else 'dis'}abled" def __enter__(self): """Enter the context and set the checks to the desired state.""" global _CHECKS_ENABLED _CHECKS_ENABLED = self.state return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): """Exit the context and restore the previous checks status.""" global _CHECKS_ENABLED _CHECKS_ENABLED = self.original_check_state
[docs] class unsafe_enable_checks(_SetChecks): """Enable metatensor checks. Checks are default enabled. Calling this function permanently enables all metatensor operations checks. >>> import metatensor >>> metatensor.unsafe_enable_checks() checks enabled >>> print(metatensor.checks_enabled()) True You can also use a compound statement to enable checks only temporarily. This can be useful in nested constructions. >>> import metatensor >>> print(metatensor.checks_enabled()) True >>> with metatensor.unsafe_disable_checks(): ... # checks are disabled here ... print(metatensor.checks_enabled()) ... with metatensor.unsafe_enable_checks(): ... # checks enabled here again ... print(metatensor.checks_enabled()) ... False True >>> print(metatensor.checks_enabled()) True """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(state=True)
[docs] class unsafe_disable_checks(_SetChecks): """Disable metatensor checks. Calling this function permanently disables all metatensor operations checks. >>> import metatensor >>> metatensor.unsafe_disable_checks() checks disabled >>> print(metatensor.checks_enabled()) False You can also use a compound statement to disable checks only temporarily. >>> metatensor.unsafe_enable_checks() checks enabled >>> with metatensor.unsafe_disable_checks(): ... # checks are disabled here ... print(metatensor.checks_enabled()) ... False >>> print(metatensor.checks_enabled()) True """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(state=False)