from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, overload
import torch
# These classes do not contain the actual code (see the C++ code in the root
# metatensor-torch folder for that), but instead include the documentation for
# these classes in a way compatible with Sphinx.
StrSequence = Union[str, List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]
class LabelsEntry:
"""A single entry (i.e. row) in a set of :py:class:`Labels`.
The main way to create a :py:class:`LabelsEntry` is to index a
:py:class:`Labels` or iterate over them.
>>> from metatensor.torch import Labels
>>> labels = Labels(
... names=["system", "atom", "type"],
... values=torch.tensor([(0, 1, 8), (0, 2, 1), (0, 5, 1)]),
... )
>>> entry = labels[0] # or labels.entry(0)
>>> entry.names
['system', 'atom', 'type']
>>> entry.values
tensor([0, 1, 8], dtype=torch.int32)
.. warning::
Due to limitations in TorchScript, :py:class:`LabelsEntry`
implementation of ``__hash__`` will use the default Python one,
returning the ``id()`` of the object. If you want to use
:py:class:`LabelsEntry` as keys in a dictionary, convert them to tuple
first (``tuple(entry)``) --- or to string (``str(entry)``) since
TorchScript does not support tuple as dictionary keys anyway.
def names(self) -> List[str]:
"""names of the dimensions for this Labels entry"""
def values(self) -> torch.Tensor:
Values associated with each dimensions of this :py:class:`LabelsEntry`, stored
as 32-bit integers.
.. warning::
The ``values`` should be treated as immutable/read-only (we would like to
enforce this automatically, but PyTorch can not mark a
:py:class:`torch.Tensor` as immutable)
Any modification to this tensor can break the underlying data structure, or
make it out of sync with the ``values``.
def print(self) -> str:
print this entry as a named tuple (i.e. ``(key_1=value_1, key_2=value_2)``)
def __len__(self) -> int:
"""number of dimensions in this labels entry"""
def __getitem__(self, dimension: Union[str, int]) -> int:
"""get the value associated with the dimension in this entry"""
def __eq__(self, other: "LabelsEntry") -> bool:
check if ``self`` and ``other`` are equal (same dimensions/names and
same values)
def __ne__(self, other: "LabelsEntry") -> bool:
check if ``self`` and ``other`` are not equal (different dimensions/names or
different values)
class Labels:
A set of labels carrying metadata associated with a :py:class:`TensorMap`.
The metadata can be though as a list of tuples, where each value in the
tuple also has an associated dimension name. In practice, the dimensions
``names`` are stored separately from the ``values``, and the values are in a
2-dimensional array integers with the shape ``(n_entries, n_dimensions)``.
Each row/entry in this array is unique, and they are often (but not always)
sorted in lexicographic order.
.. seealso::
The pure Python version of this class :py:class:`metatensor.Labels`,
and the :ref:`differences between TorchScript and Python API for
metatensor <python-vs-torch>`.
>>> from metatensor.torch import Labels
>>> labels = Labels(
... names=["system", "atom", "type"],
... values=torch.tensor([(0, 1, 8), (0, 2, 1), (0, 5, 1)]),
... )
>>> print(labels)
system atom type
0 1 8
0 2 1
0 5 1
>>> labels.names
['system', 'atom', 'type']
>>> labels.values
tensor([[0, 1, 8],
[0, 2, 1],
[0, 5, 1]], dtype=torch.int32)
It is possible to create a view inside a :py:class:`Labels`, selecting only
a subset of columns/dimensions:
>>> # single dimension
>>> view = labels.view("atom")
>>> view.names
>>> view.values
[5]], dtype=torch.int32)
>>> # multiple dimensions
>>> view = labels.view(["atom", "system"])
>>> view.names
['atom', 'system']
>>> view.values
tensor([[1, 0],
[2, 0],
[5, 0]], dtype=torch.int32)
>>> view.is_view()
>>> # we can convert a view back to a full, owned Labels
>>> owned_labels = view.to_owned()
>>> owned_labels.is_view()
One can also iterate over labels entries, or directly index the :py:class:`Labels`
to get a specific entry
>>> entry = labels[0] # or labels.entry(0)
>>> entry.names
['system', 'atom', 'type']
>>> entry.values
tensor([0, 1, 8], dtype=torch.int32)
>>> for entry in labels:
... print(entry)
LabelsEntry(system=0, atom=1, type=8)
LabelsEntry(system=0, atom=2, type=1)
LabelsEntry(system=0, atom=5, type=1)
Or get all the values associated with a given dimension/column name
>>> labels.column("atom")
tensor([1, 2, 5], dtype=torch.int32)
>>> labels["atom"] # alternative syntax for the above
tensor([1, 2, 5], dtype=torch.int32)
Labels can be checked for equality:
>>> owned_labels == labels
>>> labels == labels
Finally, it is possible to check if a value is inside (non-view) labels, and
get the corresponding position:
>>> labels.position([0, 2, 1])
>>> print(labels.position([0, 2, 4]))
>>> (0, 2, 4) in labels
>>> labels[2] in labels
def __init__(self, names: StrSequence, values: torch.Tensor):
:param names: names of the dimensions in the new labels. A single string
is transformed into a list with one element, i.e.
``names="a"`` is the same as ``names=["a"]``.
:param values: values of the labels, this needs to be a 2-dimensional
array of integers.
def names(self) -> List[str]:
"""names of the dimensions for these :py:class:`Labels`"""
def values(self) -> torch.Tensor:
Values associated with each dimensions of the :py:class:`Labels`, stored
as 2-dimensional tensor of 32-bit integers.
.. warning::
The ``values`` should be treated as immutable/read-only (we would like to
enforce this automatically, but PyTorch can not mark a
:py:class:`torch.Tensor` as immutable)
Any modification to this tensor can break the underlying data structure, or
make it out of sync with the ``values``.
def single() -> "Labels":
Create :py:class:`Labels` to use when there is no relevant metadata and
only one entry in the corresponding dimension (e.g. keys when a tensor
map contains a single block).
.. warning::
PyTorch can execute ``static`` functions (like this one) coming from a
TorchScript extension, but fails when trying to save code calling this
function with :py:func:``, giving the following error:
Failed to downcast a Function to a GraphFunction
This issue is reported as `PyTorch#115639 <pytorch-115639>`_. In the
meantime, if you need to :py:func:`` code containing
this function, you can implement it manually in a few lines.
.. _pytorch-115639:
def empty(names: StrSequence) -> "Labels":
Create :py:class:`Labels` with given ``names`` but no values.
:param names: names of the dimensions in the new labels. A single string
is transformed into a list with one element, i.e.
``names="a"`` is the same as ``names=["a"]``.
def range(name: str, end: int) -> "Labels":
Create :py:class:`Labels` with a single dimension using the given
``name`` and values in the ``[0, end)`` range.
:param name: name of the single dimension in the new labels.
:param end: end of the range for labels
.. warning::
PyTorch can execute ``static`` functions (like this one) coming from a
TorchScript extension, but fails when trying to save code calling this
function with :py:func:``, giving the following error:
Failed to downcast a Function to a GraphFunction
This issue is reported as `PyTorch#115639 <pytorch-115639>`_. In the
meantime, if you need to :py:func:`` code containing
this function, you can implement it manually in a few lines.
.. _pytorch-115639:
>>> from metatensor.torch import Labels
>>> labels = Labels.range("dummy", 7)
>>> labels.names
>>> labels.values
[6]], dtype=torch.int32)
def __len__(self) -> int:
"""number of entries in these labels"""
def __getitem__(self, dimension: str) -> torch.Tensor:
def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> LabelsEntry:
def __getitem__(self, index):
When indexing with a string, get the values for the corresponding dimension as a
1-dimensional array (i.e. :py:func:`Labels.column`).
When indexing with an integer, get the corresponding row/labels entry (i.e.
See also :py:func:`Labels.view` to extract the values associated with multiple
def __contains__(
self, entry: Union[LabelsEntry, torch.Tensor, List[int], Tuple[int, ...]]
) -> bool:
"""check if these :py:class:`Labels` contain the given ``entry``"""
def __eq__(self, other: "Labels") -> bool:
check if two set of labels are equal (same dimension names and same
def __ne__(self, other: "Labels") -> bool:
check if two set of labels are not equal (different dimension names or
different values)
def load(path: str) -> "Labels":
Load a serialized :py:class:`Labels` from the file at ``path``, this is
equivalent to :py:func:`metatensor.torch.load_labels`.
:param path: Path of the file containing a saved :py:class:`TensorMap`
.. warning::
PyTorch can execute ``static`` functions (like this one) coming from a
TorchScript extension, but fails when trying to save code calling this
function with :py:func:``, giving the following error:
Failed to downcast a Function to a GraphFunction
This issue is reported as `PyTorch#115639 <pytorch-115639>`_. In the mean
time, you should use :py:func:`metatensor.torch.load_labels` instead of this
function to save your code to TorchScript.
.. _pytorch-115639:
def load_buffer(buffer: torch.Tensor) -> "Labels":
Load a serialized :py:class:`Labels` from an in-memory ``buffer``, this is
equivalent to :py:func:`metatensor.torch.load_labels_buffer`.
:param buffer: torch Tensor representing an in-memory buffer
.. warning::
PyTorch can execute ``static`` functions (like this one) coming from a
TorchScript extension, but fails when trying to save code calling this
function with :py:func:``, giving the following error:
Failed to downcast a Function to a GraphFunction
This issue is reported as `PyTorch#115639 <pytorch-115639>`_. In the mean
time, you should use :py:func:`metatensor.torch.load_labels_buffer` instead
of this function to save your code to TorchScript.
.. _pytorch-115639:
def save(self, path: str):
Save these :py:class:`Labels` to a file, this is equivalent to
:param path: Path of the file. If the file already exists, it will be
def save_buffer(self) -> torch.Tensor:
Save these :py:class:`Labels` to an in-memory buffer, this is equivalent to
def append(self, name: str, values: torch.Tensor) -> "Labels":
"""Append a new dimension to the end of the :py:class:`Labels`.
:param name: name of the new dimension
:param values: 1D array of values for the new dimension
>>> import torch
>>> from metatensor.torch import Labels
>>> label = Labels("foo", torch.tensor([[42]]))
>>> print(label)
>>> print(label.append(name="bar", values=torch.tensor([10])))
foo bar
42 10
def insert(self, index: int, name: str, values: torch.Tensor) -> "Labels":
"""Insert a new dimension before ``index`` in the :py:class:`Labels`.
:param index: index before the new dimension is inserted
:param name: name of the new dimension
:param values: 1D array of values for the new dimension
>>> import torch
>>> from metatensor.torch import Labels
>>> label = Labels("foo", torch.tensor([[42]]))
>>> print(label)
>>> print(label.insert(0, name="bar", values=torch.tensor([10])))
bar foo
10 42
def permute(self, dimensions_indexes: List[int]) -> "Labels":
"""Permute dimensions according to ``dimensions_indexes`` in the
:param dimensions_indexes: desired ordering of the dimensions
:raises ValueError: if length of ``dimensions_indexes`` does not match the
Labels length
:raises ValueError: if duplicate values are present in ``dimensions_indexes``
>>> import torch
>>> from metatensor.torch import Labels
>>> label = Labels(["foo", "bar", "baz"], torch.tensor([[42, 10, 3]]))
>>> print(label)
foo bar baz
42 10 3
>>> print(label.permute([2, 0, 1]))
baz foo bar
3 42 10
def remove(self, name: str) -> "Labels":
"""Remove ``name`` from the dimensions of the :py:class:`Labels`.
Removal can only be performed if the resulting :py:class:`Labels` instance will
be unique.
:param name: name to be removed
:raises ValueError: if the name is not present.
>>> import torch
>>> from metatensor.torch import Labels
>>> label = Labels(["foo", "bar"], torch.tensor([[42, 10]]))
>>> print(label)
foo bar
42 10
>>> print(label.remove(name="bar"))
If the new :py:class:`Labels` is not unique an error is raised.
>>> label = Labels(["foo", "bar"], torch.tensor([[42, 10], [42, 11]]))
>>> print(label)
foo bar
42 10
42 11
>>> try:
... label.remove(name="bar")
... except RuntimeError as e:
... print(e)
invalid parameter: can not have the same label entry multiple time: [42] is already present
""" # noqa E501
def rename(self, old: str, new: str) -> "Labels":
"""Rename the ``old`` dimension to ``new`` in the :py:class:`Labels`.
:param old: name to be replaced
:param new: name after the replacement
:raises ValueError: if old is not present.
>>> import torch
>>> from metatensor.torch import Labels
>>> label = Labels("foo", torch.tensor([[42]]))
>>> print(label)
>>> print(label.rename("foo", "bar"))
def to(self, device: Union[str, torch.device]) -> "Labels":
"""move the values for these Labels to the given ``device``"""
def device(self) -> torch.device:
"""get the current device used for the values of these Labels"""
def position(
self, entry: Union[LabelsEntry, torch.Tensor, List[int], Tuple[int, ...]]
) -> Optional[int]:
Get the position of the given ``entry`` in this set of
:py:class:`Labels`, or ``None`` if the entry is not present in the
def union(self, other: "Labels") -> "Labels":
Take the union of these :py:class:`Labels` with ``other``.
If you want to know where entries in ``self`` and ``other`` ends up in the
union, you can use :py:meth:`Labels.union_and_mapping`.
def union_and_mapping(
self, other: "Labels"
) -> Tuple["Labels", torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
Take the union of these :py:class:`Labels` with ``other``.
This function also returns the position in the union where each entry of the
input :py:class::`Labels` ended up.
:return: Tuple containing the union, a :py:class:`torch.Tensor` containing the
position in the union of the entries from ``self``, and a
:py:class:`torch.Tensor` containing the position in the union of the
entries from ``other``.
def intersection(self, other: "Labels") -> "Labels":
Take the intersection of these :py:class:`Labels` with ``other``.
If you want to know where entries in ``self`` and ``other`` ends up in the
intersection, you can use :py:meth:`Labels.intersection_and_mapping`.
def intersection_and_mapping(
self, other: "Labels"
) -> Tuple["Labels", torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
Take the intersection of these :py:class:`Labels` with ``other``.
This function also returns the position in the intersection where each entry of
the input :py:class::`Labels` ended up.
:return: Tuple containing the intersection, a :py:class:`torch.Tensor`
containing the position in the intersection of the entries from ``self``,
and a :py:class:`torch.Tensor` containing the position in the intersection
of the entries from ``other``. If entries in ``self`` or ``other`` are not
used in the output, the mapping for them is set to ``-1``.
def select(self, selection: "Labels") -> torch.Tensor:
Select entries in these :py:class:`Labels` that match the ``selection``.
The selection's names must be a subset of the names of these labels.
All entries in these :py:class:`Labels` that match one of the entry in the
``selection`` for all the selection's dimension will be picked. Any entry in the
``selection`` but not in these :py:class:`Labels` will be ignored.
>>> import torch
>>> from metatensor.torch import Labels
>>> labels = Labels(
... names=["a", "b"],
... values=torch.tensor([[0, 1], [1, 2], [0, 3], [1, 1], [2, 4]]),
... )
>>> selection = Labels(names=["a"], values=torch.tensor([[0], [2], [5]]))
>>> print(
tensor([0, 2, 4])
:param selection: description of the entries to select
:return: 1-dimensional tensor containing the integer indices of selected
def print(self, max_entries: int, indent: int) -> str:
"""print these :py:class:`Labels` to a string
:param max_entries: how many entries to print, use ``-1`` to print everything
:param indent: indent the output by ``indent`` spaces
def entry(self, index: int) -> LabelsEntry:
"""get a single entry in these labels, see also :py:func:`Labels.__getitem__`"""
def column(self, dimension: str) -> torch.Tensor:
Get the values associated with a single dimension in these labels (i.e. a single
column of :py:attr:`Labels.values`) as a 1-dimensional array.
.. seealso::
:py:func:`Labels.__getitem__` as the main way to use this function
:py:func:`Labels.view` to access multiple columns simultaneously
def view(self, dimensions: StrSequence) -> "Labels":
"""get a view for the specified columns in these labels, see also
def is_view(self) -> bool:
"""are these labels a view inside another set of labels?
A view is created with :py:func:`Labels.__getitem__` or
:py:func:`Labels.view`, and does not implement :py:func:`Labels.position`
or :py:func:`Labels.__contains__`.
def to_owned(self) -> "Labels":
"""convert a view to owned labels, which implement the full API"""
class TensorBlock:
Basic building block for a :py:class:`TensorMap`.
A single block contains a n-dimensional :py:class:`torch.Tensor` of values,
and n sets of :py:class:`Labels` (one for each dimension). The first
dimension is the *samples* dimension, the last dimension is the *properties*
dimension. Any intermediate dimension is called a *component* dimension.
Samples should be used to describe *what* we are representing, while
properties should contain information about *how* we are representing it.
Finally, components should be used to describe vectorial or tensorial
components of the data.
A block can also contain gradients of the values with respect to a variety
of parameters. In this case, each gradient is a :py:class:`TensorBlock` with
a separate set of samples and possibly components, but which shares the same
property labels as the original :py:class:`TensorBlock`.
.. seealso::
The pure Python version of this class
:py:class:`metatensor.TensorBlock`, and the :ref:`differences
between TorchScript and Python API for metatensor <python-vs-torch>`.
def __init__(
values: torch.Tensor,
samples: Labels,
components: List[Labels],
properties: Labels,
:param values: tensor containing the values for this block
:param samples: labels describing the samples (first dimension of the array)
:param components: list of labels describing the components (intermediate
dimensions of the array). This should be an empty list for scalar/invariant
:param properties: labels describing the properties (last dimension of the
.. warning::
PyTorch can execute ``static`` functions (like this one) coming from a
TorchScript extension, but fails when trying to save code calling this
function with :py:func:``, giving the following error:
Failed to downcast a Function to a GraphFunction
This issue is reported as `PyTorch#115639 <pytorch-115639>`_. In the
meantime, if you need to :py:func:`` code containing
this function, you can implement it manually in a few lines.
.. _pytorch-115639:
def __len__(self) -> int:
"""Get the length of the values stored in this block
(i.e. the number of samples in the :py:class:`TensorBlock`)"""
def shape(self):
Get the shape of the values array in this block.
def values(self) -> torch.Tensor:
"""get the values for this block"""
def samples(self) -> Labels:
Get the sample :py:class:`Labels` for this block.
The entries in these labels describe the first dimension of the
``values`` array.
def components(self) -> List[Labels]:
Get the component :py:class:`Labels` for this block.
The entries in these labels describe intermediate dimensions of the
``values`` array.
def properties(self) -> Labels:
Get the property :py:class:`Labels` for this block.
The entries in these labels describe the last dimension of the
``values`` array. The properties are guaranteed to be the same for
values and gradients in the same block.
def copy(self) -> "TensorBlock":
"""get a deep copy of this block, including all the data and metadata"""
def add_gradient(self, parameter: str, gradient: "TensorBlock"):
Add gradient with respect to ``parameter`` in this block.
:param parameter:
add gradients with respect to this ``parameter`` (e.g. ``positions``,
``cell``, ...)
:param gradient:
a :py:class:`TensorBlock` whose values contain the gradients of this
:py:class:`TensorBlock` values with respect to ``parameter``. The labels
of the gradient :py:class:`TensorBlock` should be organized as follows:
- its samples must contain ``"sample"`` as the first dimension, with values
containing the index of the corresponding samples in this
:py:class:`TensorBlock`, and arbitrary supplementary samples dimension;
- its components must contain at least the same components as this
:py:class:`TensorBlock`, with any additional components coming before
- its properties must match exactly those of this :py:class:`TensorBlock`.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from metatensor.torch import TensorBlock, Labels
>>> block = TensorBlock(
... values=torch.full((3, 1, 1), 1.0),
... samples=Labels(["system"], torch.tensor([[0], [2], [4]])),
... components=[Labels.range("component", 1)],
... properties=Labels.range("property", 1),
... )
>>> gradient = TensorBlock(
... values=torch.full((2, 1, 1), 11.0),
... samples=Labels(
... names=["sample", "parameter"],
... values=torch.tensor([[0, -2], [2, 3]]),
... ),
... components=[Labels.range("component", 1)],
... properties=Labels.range("property", 1),
... )
>>> block.add_gradient("parameter", gradient)
>>> print(block)
samples (3): ['system']
components (1): ['component']
properties (1): ['property']
gradients: ['parameter']
def gradient(self, parameter: str) -> "TensorBlock":
Get the gradient of the block ``values`` with respect to the given
:param parameter: check for gradients with respect to this ``parameter``
(e.g. ``positions``, ``cell``, ...)
>>> from metatensor.torch import TensorBlock, Labels
>>> block = TensorBlock(
... values=torch.full((3, 1, 5), 1.0),
... samples=Labels(["system"], torch.tensor([[0], [2], [4]])),
... components=[Labels.range("component", 1)],
... properties=Labels.range("property", 5),
... )
>>> positions_gradient = TensorBlock(
... values=torch.full((2, 3, 1, 5), 11.0),
... samples=Labels(["sample", "atom"], torch.tensor([[0, 2], [2, 3]])),
... components=[
... Labels.range("direction", 3),
... Labels.range("component", 1),
... ],
... properties=Labels.range("property", 5),
... )
>>> block.add_gradient("positions", positions_gradient)
>>> cell_gradient = TensorBlock(
... values=torch.full((2, 3, 3, 1, 5), 15.0),
... samples=Labels.range("sample", 2),
... components=[
... Labels.range("direction_1", 3),
... Labels.range("direction_2", 3),
... Labels.range("component", 1),
... ],
... properties=Labels.range("property", 5),
... )
>>> block.add_gradient("cell", cell_gradient)
>>> positions_gradient = block.gradient("positions")
>>> print(positions_gradient)
Gradient TensorBlock ('positions')
samples (2): ['sample', 'atom']
components (3, 1): ['direction', 'component']
properties (5): ['property']
gradients: None
>>> cell_gradient = block.gradient("cell")
>>> print(cell_gradient)
Gradient TensorBlock ('cell')
samples (2): ['sample']
components (3, 3, 1): ['direction_1', 'direction_2', 'component']
properties (5): ['property']
gradients: None
def gradients_list(self) -> List[str]:
"""get a list of all gradients defined in this block"""
def has_gradient(self, parameter: str) -> bool:
Check if this block contains gradient information with respect to the
given ``parameter``.
:param parameter: check for gradients with respect to this ``parameter``
(e.g. ``positions``, ``cell``, ...)
def gradients(self) -> List[Tuple[str, "TensorBlock"]]:
"""Get a list of all (parameter, gradients) pairs defined in this block."""
def dtype(self) -> torch.dtype:
Get the dtype of all the values and gradient arrays stored inside this
.. warning::
This function will only work when running the code in TorchScript mode (i.e.
after calling :py:func:`torch.jit.script` or :py:func:`torch.jit.trace` on
your own code). Trying to use this property in Python mode will result in
``block.dtype`` being an integer, and comparing to false to any dtype:
.. code-block:: python
import torch
from metatensor.torch import Labels, TensorBlock
values = torch.tensor([[42.0]])
block = TensorBlock(
samples=Labels.range("s", 1),
properties=Labels.range("p", 1),
# will output '6'
print(block.dtype == values.dtype)
# will output 'False' in Python, 'True' in TorchScript
print(block.dtype == block.values.dtype)
# will output 'False' in Python, 'True' in TorchScript
As a workaround, you can define a TorchScript function to do dtype
.. code-block:: python
def dtype_equal(block: TensorBlock, dtype: torch.dtype) -> bool:
return block.dtype == dtype
print(dtype_equal(block, torch.float32))
# will output 'True'
def device(self) -> torch.device:
Get the device of all the values and gradient arrays stored inside this
def to(
dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None,
device: Optional[torch.device] = None,
arrays: Optional[str] = None,
) -> "TensorBlock":
Move all the arrays in this block (values, gradients and labels) to the given
``dtype``, ``device`` and ``arrays`` backend.
:param dtype: new dtype to use for all arrays. The dtype stays the same if this
is set to ``None``.
:param device: new device to use for all arrays. The device stays the same if
this is set to ``None``.
:param arrays: new backend to use for the arrays. This parameter is here for
compatibility with the pure Python API, can only be set to ``"torch"`` or
``None`` and does nothing.
def load(path: str) -> "TensorBlock":
Load a serialized :py:class:`TensorBlock` from the file at ``path``, this is
equivalent to :py:func:`metatensor.torch.load_block`.
:param path: Path of the file containing a saved :py:class:`TensorBlock`
.. warning::
PyTorch can execute ``static`` functions (like this one) coming from a
TorchScript extension, but fails when trying to save code calling this
function with :py:func:``, giving the following error:
Failed to downcast a Function to a GraphFunction
This issue is reported as `PyTorch#115639 <pytorch-115639>`_. In the mean
time, you should use :py:func:`metatensor.torch.load` instead of this
function to save your code to TorchScript.
.. _pytorch-115639:
def load_buffer(buffer: torch.Tensor) -> "TensorBlock":
Load a serialized :py:class:`TensorBlock` from an in-memory ``buffer``, this is
equivalent to :py:func:`metatensor.torch.load_block_buffer`.
:param buffer: torch Tensor representing an in-memory buffer
.. warning::
PyTorch can execute ``static`` functions (like this one) coming from a
TorchScript extension, but fails when trying to save code calling this
function with :py:func:``, giving the following error:
Failed to downcast a Function to a GraphFunction
This issue is reported as `PyTorch#115639 <pytorch-115639>`_. In the mean
time, you should use :py:func:`metatensor.torch.load_buffer` instead of this
function to save your code to TorchScript.
.. _pytorch-115639:
def save(self, path: str):
Save this :py:class:`TensorBlock` to a file, this is equivalent to
:param path: Path of the file. If the file already exists, it will be
def save_buffer(self) -> torch.Tensor:
Save this :py:class:`TensorBlock` to an in-memory buffer, this is equivalent to
class TensorMap:
A TensorMap is the main user-facing class of this library, and can store any
kind of data used in atomistic machine learning.
A tensor map contains a list of :py:class:`TensorBlock`, each one associated
with a key. It also provides functions to access blocks associated with a
key or part of a key, functions to merge blocks together and in general to
manipulate this collection of blocks.
.. seealso::
The pure Python version of this class
:py:class:`metatensor.TensorMap`, and the :ref:`differences between
TorchScript and Python API for metatensor <python-vs-torch>`.
def __init__(self, keys: Labels, blocks: List[TensorBlock]):
:param keys: keys associated with each block
:param blocks: set of blocks containing the actual data
def keys(self) -> Labels:
"""the set of keys labeling the blocks in this :py:class:`TensorMap`"""
def __len__(self) -> int:
"""get the number of key/block pairs in this :py:class:`TensorMap`"""
def __getitem__(
selection: Union[int, Labels, LabelsEntry, Dict[str, int]],
) -> TensorBlock:
Get a single block with indexing syntax. This calls :py:func:`TensorMap.block`
def copy(self) -> "TensorMap":
get a deep copy of this :py:class:`TensorMap`, including all the data
and metadata
def load(path: str) -> "TensorMap":
Load a serialized :py:class:`TensorMap` from the file at ``path``, this is
equivalent to :py:func:`metatensor.torch.load`.
:param path: Path of the file containing a saved :py:class:`TensorMap`
.. warning::
PyTorch can execute ``static`` functions (like this one) coming from a
TorchScript extension, but fails when trying to save code calling this
function with :py:func:``, giving the following error:
Failed to downcast a Function to a GraphFunction
This issue is reported as `PyTorch#115639 <pytorch-115639>`_. In the mean
time, you should use :py:func:`metatensor.torch.load` instead of this
function to save your code to TorchScript.
.. _pytorch-115639:
def load_buffer(buffer: torch.Tensor) -> "TensorMap":
Load a serialized :py:class:`TensorMap` from an in-memory ``buffer``, this is
equivalent to :py:func:`metatensor.torch.load_buffer`.
:param buffer: torch Tensor representing an in-memory buffer
.. warning::
PyTorch can execute ``static`` functions (like this one) coming from a
TorchScript extension, but fails when trying to save code calling this
function with :py:func:``, giving the following error:
Failed to downcast a Function to a GraphFunction
This issue is reported as `PyTorch#115639 <pytorch-115639>`_. In the mean
time, you should use :py:func:`metatensor.torch.load_buffer` instead of this
function to save your code to TorchScript.
.. _pytorch-115639:
def save(self, path: str):
Save this :py:class:`TensorMap` to a file, this is equivalent to
:param path: Path of the file. If the file already exists, it will be
def save_buffer(self) -> torch.Tensor:
Save this :py:class:`TensorMap` to an in-memory buffer, this is equivalent to
def items(self) -> List[Tuple[LabelsEntry, TensorBlock]]:
"""get an iterator over (key, block) pairs in this :py:class:`TensorMap`"""
def keys_to_samples(
keys_to_move: Union[StrSequence, Labels],
sort_samples: bool = True,
) -> "TensorMap":
Merge blocks along the samples axis, adding ``keys_to_move`` to the end
of the samples labels dimensions.
This function will remove ``keys_to_move`` from the keys, and find all
blocks with the same remaining keys values. It will then merge these
blocks along the samples direction (i.e. do a *vertical* concatenation),
adding ``keys_to_move`` to the end of the samples labels dimensions.
The values taken by ``keys_to_move`` in the new samples labels will be
the values of these dimensions in the merged blocks' keys.
If ``keys_to_move`` is a set of :py:class:`Labels`, it must be empty
(``len(keys_to_move) == 0``), and only the :py:class:`Labels.names` will
be used.
The order of the samples in the merged blocks is controlled by
``sort_samples``. If ``sort_samples`` is :py:obj:`True`, samples are
re-ordered to keep them lexicographically sorted. Otherwise they are
kept in the order in which they appear in the blocks.
This function is only implemented when the blocks to merge have the same
properties values.
:param keys_to_move: description of the keys to move
:param sort_samples: whether to sort the merged samples or keep them in
the order in which they appear in the original blocks
:return: a new :py:class:`TensorMap` with merged blocks
def keys_to_properties(
keys_to_move: Union[StrSequence, Labels],
sort_samples: bool = True,
) -> "TensorMap":
Merge blocks along the properties direction, adding ``keys_to_move`` at
the beginning of the properties labels dimensions.
This function will remove ``keys_to_move`` from the keys, and find all
blocks with the same remaining keys values. Then it will merge these
blocks along the properties direction (i.e. do an *horizontal*
If ``keys_to_move`` is given as strings, then the new property labels
will **only** contain entries from the existing blocks. For example,
merging a block with key ``a=0`` and properties ``p=1, 2`` with a block
with key ``a=2`` and properties ``p=1, 3`` will produce a block with
properties ``a, p = (0, 1), (0, 2), (2, 1), (2, 3)``.
If ``keys_to_move`` is a set of :py:class:`Labels` and it is empty
(``len(keys_to_move) == 0``), the :py:class:`Labels.names` will be used
as if they where passed directly.
Finally, if ``keys_to_move`` is a non empty set of :py:class:`Labels`,
the new properties labels will contains **all** of the entries of
``keys_to_move`` (regardless of the values taken by
``keys_to_move.names`` in the merged blocks' keys) followed by the
existing properties labels. For example, using ``a=2, 3`` in
``keys_to_move``, blocks with properties ``p=1, 2`` will result in
``a, p = (2, 1), (2, 2), (3, 1), (3, 2)``. If there is no values (no
block/missing sample) for a given property in the merged block, then the
value will be set to zero.
When using a non empty :py:class:`Labels` for ``keys_to_move``, the
properties labels of all the merged blocks must take the same values.
The order of the samples in the merged blocks is controlled by
``sort_samples``. If ``sort_samples`` is :py:obj:`True`, samples are
re-ordered to keep them lexicographically sorted. Otherwise they are
kept in the order in which they appear in the blocks.
:param keys_to_move: description of the keys to move
:param sort_samples: whether to sort the merged samples or keep them in
the order in which they appear in the original blocks
:return: a new :py:class:`TensorMap` with merged blocks
def components_to_properties(self, dimensions: StrSequence) -> "TensorMap":
Move the given ``dimensions`` from the component labels to the property
labels for each block.
:param dimensions: name of the component dimensions to move to the
def blocks_matching(self, selection: Labels) -> List[int]:
Get a (possibly empty) list of block indexes matching the ``selection``.
This function finds all keys in this :py:class:`TensorMap` with the same
values as ``selection`` for the dimensions/names contained in the
``selection``; and return the corresponding indexes.
The ``selection`` should contain a single entry.
def block_by_id(self, index: int) -> TensorBlock:
Get the block at ``index`` in this :py:class:`TensorMap`.
:param index: index of the block to retrieve
def blocks_by_id(self, indices: List[int]) -> List[TensorBlock]:
Get the blocks with the given ``indices`` in this :py:class:`TensorMap`.
:param indices: indices of the block to retrieve
def block(
selection: Union[None, int, Labels, LabelsEntry, Dict[str, int]] = None,
) -> TensorBlock:
Get the single block in this :py:class:`TensorMap` matching the ``selection``.
When ``selection`` is an ``int``, this is equivalent to
When ``selection`` is an :py:class:`Labels`, it should only contain a single
entry, which will be used for the selection.
When ``selection`` is a ``Dict[str, int]``, it is converted into a single single
:py:class:`LabelsEntry` (the dict keys becoming the names and the dict values
being joined together to form the :py:class:`LabelsEntry` values), which is then
used for the selection.
When ``selection`` is a :py:class:`LabelsEntry`, this function finds the key in
this :py:class:`TensorMap` with the same values as ``selection`` for the
dimensions/names contained in the ``selection``; and return the corresponding
:param selection: description of the block to extract
def blocks(
selection: Union[
None, List[int], int, Labels, LabelsEntry, Dict[str, int]
] = None,
) -> List[TensorBlock]:
Get the blocks in this :py:class:`TensorMap` matching the ``selection``.
When ``selection`` is ``None`` (the default), all blocks are returned.
When ``selection`` is an ``int``, this is equivalent to
:py:func:`TensorMap.block_by_id`; and for a ``List[int]`` this is equivalent to
When ``selection`` is an :py:class:`Labels`, it should only contain a single
entry, which will be used for the selection.
When ``selection`` is a ``Dict[str, int]``, it is converted into a single single
:py:class:`LabelsEntry` (the dict keys becoming the names and the dict values
being joined together to form the :py:class:`LabelsEntry` values), which is then
used for the selection.
When ``selection`` is a :py:class:`LabelsEntry`, this function finds all keys in
this :py:class:`TensorMap` with the same values as ``selection`` for the
dimensions/names contained in the ``selection``; and return the corresponding
:param selection: description of the blocks to extract
def sample_names(self) -> List[str]:
"""names of the samples for all blocks in this tensor map"""
def component_names(self) -> List[str]:
"""names of the components for all blocks in this tensor map"""
def property_names(self) -> List[str]:
"""names of the properties for all blocks in this tensor map"""
def print(self, max_keys: int) -> str:
Print this :py:class:`TensorMap` to a string, including at most
``max_keys`` in the output.
:param max_keys: how many keys to include in the output. Use ``-1`` to
include all keys.
def device(self) -> torch.device:
"""get the device of all the arrays stored inside this :py:class:`TensorMap`"""
def dtype(self) -> torch.dtype:
get the dtype of all the arrays stored inside this :py:class:`TensorMap`
.. warning::
Due to limitations in TorchScript C++ extensions, the dtype is returned as
an integer, which can not be compared with :py:class:`torch.dtype`
instances. See :py:attr:`TensorBlock.dtype` for more information.
def to(
dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None,
device: Optional[torch.device] = None,
arrays: Optional[str] = None,
) -> "TensorMap":
Move all the data (keys and blocks) in this :py:class:`TensorMap` to the given
``dtype``, ``device`` and ``arrays`` backend.
:param dtype: new dtype to use for all arrays. The dtype stays the same if this
is set to ``None``.
:param device: new device to use for all arrays. The device stays the same if
this is set to ``None``.
:param arrays: new backend to use for the arrays. This parameter is here for
compatibility with the pure Python API, can only be set to ``"torch"`` or
``None`` and does nothing.
def version() -> str:
"""Get the version of the underlying metatensor_torch library"""
def dtype_name(dtype: torch.dtype) -> str:
Get the name of a dtype.
This is intended to be used in error message in TorchScript mode, where all dtypes
are converted to integers.
def load(path: str) -> TensorMap:
Load a previously saved :py:class:`TensorMap` from the given path.
:py:class:`TensorMap` are serialized using the ``.mts`` format, i.e. a
ZIP file without compression (storage method is ``STORED``), where each file
is stored as a ``.npy`` array. See the C API documentation for more
information on the format.
:param path: path of the file to load
def load_block(path: str) -> TensorBlock:
Load previously saved :py:class:`TensorBlock` from the given file.
:param path: path of the file to load
def load_labels(path: str) -> Labels:
Load previously saved :py:class:`Labels` from the given file.
:param path: path of the file to load
def save(path: str, data: Union[TensorMap, TensorBlock, Labels]):
Save the given data (either :py:class:`TensorMap`, :py:class:`TensorBlock`, or
:py:class:`Labels`) to the given file at the given ``path``.
If the file already exists, it is overwritten. The recomended file extension when
saving data is ``.mts``, to prevent confusion with generic ``.npz`` files.
:param path: path of the file where to save the data
:param data: data to serialize and save
def load_buffer(buffer: torch.Tensor) -> TensorMap:
Load a previously saved :py:class:`TensorMap` from an in-memory buffer, stored
inside a 1-dimensional :py:class:`torch.Tensor` of ``uint8``.
:param buffer: CPU tensor of ``uint8`` representing a in-memory buffer
def load_block_buffer(buffer: torch.Tensor) -> TensorBlock:
Load a previously saved :py:class:`TensorBlock` from an in-memory buffer, stored
inside a 1-dimensional :py:class:`torch.Tensor` of ``uint8``.
:param buffer: CPU tensor of ``uint8`` representing a in-memory buffer
def load_labels_buffer(buffer: torch.Tensor) -> Labels:
Load a previously saved :py:class:`Labels` from an in-memory buffer, stored inside a
1-dimensional :py:class:`torch.Tensor` of ``uint8``.
:param buffer: CPU tensor of ``uint8`` representing a in-memory buffer
def save_buffer(data: Union[TensorMap, TensorBlock, Labels]) -> torch.Tensor:
Save the given data (either :py:class:`TensorMap`, :py:class:`TensorBlock`,
or :py:class:`Labels`) to an in-memory buffer, represented as 1-dimensional
:py:class:`torch.Tensor` of ``uint8``.
:param data: data to serialize and save