
torch::jit::Module metatensor_torch::load_atomistic_model(std::string path, c10::optional<std::string> extensions_directory = c10::nullopt)

Check and then load the metatensor atomistic model at the given path.

This function calls check_atomistic_model(path) and load_model_extensions(path, extension_directory) before attempting to load the model.

void metatensor_torch::check_atomistic_model(std::string path)

Check the exported metatensor atomistic model at the given path, and warn/error as required. This should be called after load_model_extensions

void metatensor_torch::load_model_extensions(std::string path, c10::optional<std::string> extensions_directory)

Load all extensions and extensions dependencies for the model at the given path, trying to find extensions and dependencies in the given extensions. Users can set the METATENSOR_DEBUG_EXTENSIONS_LOADING environment variable to get more information when loading fails.

double metatensor_torch::unit_conversion_factor(const std::string &quantity, const std::string &from_unit, const std::string &to_unit)

Get the multiplicative conversion factor to use to convert from unit from to unit to. Both should be units for the given physical quantity.

using metatensor_torch::ModelOutput = torch::intrusive_ptr<ModelOutputHolder>

TorchScript will always manipulate ModelOutputHolder through a torch::intrusive_ptr

class ModelOutputHolder : public CustomClassHolder

Description of one of the quantity a model can compute.

Public Functions

inline ModelOutputHolder(std::string quantity, std::string unit, bool per_atom_, std::vector<std::string> explicit_gradients_)

Initialize ModelOutput with the given data.

inline const std::string &quantity() const

quantity of the output (e.g. energy, dipole, …). If this is an empty string, no unit conversion will be performed.

void set_quantity(std::string quantity)

set the quantity of the output

inline const std::string &unit() const

unit of the output. If this is an empty string, no unit conversion will be performed.

void set_unit(std::string unit)

set the unit of the output

std::string to_json() const

Serialize a ModelOutput to a JSON string.

Public Members

bool per_atom = false

is the output defined per-atom or for the overall structure

std::vector<std::string> explicit_gradients

Which gradients should be computed eagerly and stored inside the output TensorMap

Public Static Functions

static ModelOutput from_json(std::string_view json)

Load a serialized ModelOutput from a JSON string.

using metatensor_torch::ModelCapabilities = torch::intrusive_ptr<ModelCapabilitiesHolder>

TorchScript will always manipulate ModelCapabilitiesHolder through a torch::intrusive_ptr

class ModelCapabilitiesHolder : public CustomClassHolder

Description of a model’s capabilities, i.e. everything a model can do.

Public Functions

inline ModelCapabilitiesHolder(torch::Dict<std::string, ModelOutput> outputs, std::vector<int64_t> atomic_types_, double interaction_range_, std::string length_unit, std::vector<std::string> supported_devices_, std::string dtype)

Initialize ModelCapabilities with the given data.

inline torch::Dict<std::string, ModelOutput> outputs() const

all possible outputs from this model and corresponding settings

void set_outputs(torch::Dict<std::string, ModelOutput> outputs)

set the outputs for this model

inline const std::string &length_unit() const

unit of lengths the model expects as input

void set_length_unit(std::string unit)

set the unit of length for this model

double engine_interaction_range(const std::string &engine_length_unit) const

Get the interaction_range in the length unit of the engine.

inline const std::string &dtype() const

Get the dtype of this model. This can be “float32” or “float64”, and must be used by the engine as the dtype of all inputs and outputs for this model.

void set_dtype(std::string dtype)

Set the dtype of this model.

std::string to_json() const

Serialize a ModelCapabilities to a JSON string.

Public Members

std::vector<int64_t> atomic_types

which types the model can handle

double interaction_range = -1.0

How far a given atom needs to know about other atoms, in the length unit of the model.

This is used to properly implement domain decomposition with this model.

For a short range model, this is the same as the largest neighbor list cutoff. For a message passing model, this is the cutoff of one environment times the number of message passing steps. For an explicit long range model, this should be set to infinity.

This will default to -1 if not explicitly set by the user.

std::vector<std::string> supported_devices

What devices can this model run on? This should only contain the device_type part of the device, and not the device number (i.e. this should be "cuda", not "cuda:0").

Devices should be ordered in order of preference: first one should be the best device for this model, and so on.

Public Static Functions

static ModelCapabilities from_json(std::string_view json)

Load a serialized ModelCapabilities from a JSON string.

using metatensor_torch::ModelEvaluationOptions = torch::intrusive_ptr<ModelEvaluationOptionsHolder>

TorchScript will always manipulate ModelEvaluationOptionsHolder through a torch::intrusive_ptr

class ModelEvaluationOptionsHolder : public CustomClassHolder

Options requested by the simulation engine when running with a model.

Public Functions

ModelEvaluationOptionsHolder(std::string length_unit, torch::Dict<std::string, ModelOutput> outputs, torch::optional<TorchLabels> selected_atoms)

Initialize ModelEvaluationOptions with the given data.

inline const std::string &length_unit() const

unit of lengths the engine uses in the data it calls the model with

void set_length_unit(std::string unit)

set the unit of length used by the engine

inline torch::optional<TorchLabels> get_selected_atoms() const

Only run the calculation for a selected subset of atoms. If this is set to None, run the calculation on all atoms. If this is a set of Labels, it will have two dimensions named "system" and "atom", containing the 0-based indices of all the atoms in the selected subset.

void set_selected_atoms(torch::optional<TorchLabels> selected_atoms)

Setter for selected_atoms

std::string to_json() const

Serialize a ModelEvaluationOptions to a JSON string.

Public Members

torch::Dict<std::string, ModelOutput> outputs

requested outputs for this run and corresponding settings

Public Static Functions

static ModelEvaluationOptions from_json(std::string_view json)

Load a serialized ModelEvaluationOptions from a JSON string.

using metatensor_torch::ModelMetadata = torch::intrusive_ptr<ModelMetadataHolder>

TorchScript will always manipulate ModelMetadataHolder through a torch::intrusive_ptr

class ModelMetadataHolder : public CustomClassHolder

Metadata about a specific exported model.

Public Functions

inline ModelMetadataHolder(std::string name_, std::string description_, std::vector<std::string> authors_, torch::Dict<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> references_, torch::Dict<std::string, std::string> extra_)

Initialize ModelMetadata with the given information.

std::string print() const

Implementation of Python’s __repr__ and __str__, printing all metadata about this model.

std::string to_json() const

Serialize ModelMetadata to a JSON string.

Public Members

std::string name

Name of this model.

std::string description

Description of this model.

std::vector<std::string> authors

List of authors for this model.

torch::Dict<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> references

References for this model. The top level dict can have three keys:

  • “implementation”: for reference to software and libraries used in the implementation of the model (i.e. for PyTorch

  • ”architecture”: for reference that introduced the general architecture used by this model

  • ”model”: for reference specific to this exact model

torch::Dict<std::string, std::string> extra

Extra metadata about this model. This can be anything, and it is intended to be used by models to store data they need.

Public Static Functions

static ModelMetadata from_json(std::string_view json)

Load a serialized ModelMetadata from a JSON string.