Source code for metatensor.operations.reduce_over_samples

Reduction over samples

These functions allow to reduce over the sample indices of a :py:class:`TensorMap` or
:py:class:`TensorBlock` objects, generating a new :py:class:`TensorMap` or
:py:class:`TensorBlock` in which the values sharing the same indices for the indicated
``sample_names`` have been combined in a single entry. The functions differ by the type
of reduction operation, but otherwise operate in the same way. The reduction operation
loops over the samples in each block/map, and combines all those that only differ by the
values of the indices associated with the names listed in the ``sample_names`` argument.
One way to see these operations is that the sample indices describe the non-zero entries
in a *sparse* array, and the reduction acts much like :func:`numpy.sum`, where
``sample_names`` plays the same role as the ``axis`` argument. Whenever gradients are
present, the reduction is performed also on the gradients.

See also :py:func:`metatensor.sum_over_samples_block` and
:py:func:`metatensor.sum_over_samples` for a detailed discussion with examples.

TensorMap operations

.. autofunction:: metatensor.sum_over_samples

.. autofunction:: metatensor.mean_over_samples

.. autofunction:: metatensor.var_over_samples

.. autofunction:: metatensor.std_over_samples

TensorBlock operations

.. autofunction:: metatensor.sum_over_samples_block

.. autofunction:: metatensor.mean_over_samples_block

.. autofunction:: metatensor.var_over_samples_block

.. autofunction:: metatensor.std_over_samples_block

from typing import List, Optional, Union

import numpy as np

from . import _dispatch
from ._backend import (

def _reduce_over_samples_block(
    block: TensorBlock,
    sample_names: Union[List[str], str],
    reduction: str,
    remaining_samples: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> TensorBlock:
    Create a new :py:class:`TensorBlock` reducing the ``properties`` among the
    selected ``samples``.

    The output :py:class:`TensorBlocks` have the same components of the input
    one. "sum", "mean", "std" or "var" reductions can be performed.

    :param block:
        input block
    :param sample_names:
        names of samples to reduce over. it is ignored if remaining_samples is given
    :param remaining_samples:
        names of samples that should remain after reducing reduce over.
        it is computed automatically from sample_names if missing or set to None
    :param reduction:
        how to reduce, only available values are "mean", "sum", "std" or "var"
    if isinstance(sample_names, str):
        sample_names_list = [sample_names]
        sample_names_list = sample_names

    block_samples = block.samples

    if remaining_samples is None:
        remaining_sample_names: List[str] = []
        for s_name in block_samples.names:
            if s_name in sample_names_list:
        remaining_sample_names = remaining_samples

    for sample in remaining_sample_names:
        assert sample in block_samples.names

    assert reduction in ["sum", "mean", "var", "std"]
    # get the indices of the selected sample
    sample_selected = [
        block_samples.names.index(sample) for sample in remaining_sample_names

    # checks if it is a zero sample TensorBlock
    if len(block.samples) == 0:
        # Here is different from the general case where we use Labels.single() if
        # if len(remaining_sample_names) == 0
        # Labels.single() cannot be used because Labels.single() has not
        # an np.empty() array as values but has one values, it has dimension (1,...)
        # we want (0,...).
        # here if len(remaining_sample_names) == 0 ->
        # Labels([], shape=(0, 0), dtype=int32)

        samples_label = Labels(
            _dispatch.zeros_like(block.values, [0, len(remaining_sample_names)]),

        result_block = TensorBlock(

        # The gradient does not change because the only thing that matters for
        # the gradients are the samples to which they are connected, but in this
        # case there are no samples in the TensorBlock
        for parameter, gradient in block.gradients():
            if len(gradient.gradients_list()) != 0:
                raise NotImplementedError("gradients of gradients are not supported")


        return result_block

    # get which samples will still be there after reduction
    if len(remaining_sample_names) == 0:
        new_samples = _dispatch.zeros_like(block_samples.values, shape=(1, 0))
        index = _dispatch.zeros_like(
            block_samples.values, shape=(block_samples.values.shape[0],)
        new_samples, index = _dispatch.unique_with_inverse(
            block_samples.values[:, sample_selected], axis=0
        index = index.reshape(-1)

    block_values = block.values
    other_shape = block_values.shape[1:]
    values_result = _dispatch.zeros_like(
        block_values, shape=(new_samples.shape[0],) + other_shape


    # define values_mean for torchscript (won't be used unless there are gradients)
    values_mean = _dispatch.empty_like(values_result, [0])

    if reduction == "mean" or reduction == "std" or reduction == "var":
        bincount = _dispatch.bincount(index)
        values_result = values_result / bincount.reshape(
            (-1,) + (1,) * len(other_shape)
        if reduction == "std" or reduction == "var":
            values_result2 = _dispatch.zeros_like(
                block_values, shape=(new_samples.shape[0],) + other_shape
            values_result2 = values_result2 / bincount.reshape(
                (-1,) + (1,) * len(other_shape)
            # I need the mean values in the derivatives
            if len(block.gradients_list()) > 0:
                values_mean = _dispatch.copy(values_result)
            values_result = values_result2 - values_result**2
            if reduction == "std":
                values_result = _dispatch.sqrt(values_result)

    # check if the reduce operation reduce all the samples
    if len(remaining_sample_names) == 0:
        samples_label = Labels(
            values=_dispatch.zeros_like(block_samples.values, shape=(1, 1)),
        samples_label = Labels(

    result_block = TensorBlock(

    for parameter, gradient in block.gradients():
        if len(gradient.gradients_list()) != 0:
            raise NotImplementedError("gradients of gradients are not supported")

        # check if all gradients are zeros
        if len(gradient.samples) == 0:
            # The gradients does not change because, if they are all zeros, the
            # gradients after reducing operation is still zero.

            # For any function of the TensorBlock values x(t):
            # f(x(t))-> df(x(t))/dx * dx/dt
            # and dx/dt == 0.

        gradient_samples = gradient.samples
        # here we need to copy because we want to modify the samples array
        samples = _dispatch.copy(gradient_samples.values)

        # change the first columns of the samples array with the mapping
        # between samples and gradient.samples
        samples[:, 0] = index[_dispatch.to_index_array(samples[:, 0])]

        new_gradient_samples, index_gradient = _dispatch.unique_with_inverse(
            samples[:, :], axis=0
        index_gradient = index_gradient.reshape(-1)

        gradient_values = gradient.values
        other_shape = gradient_values.shape[1:]
        gradient_values_result = _dispatch.zeros_like(
            shape=(new_gradient_samples.shape[0],) + other_shape,
        _dispatch.index_add(gradient_values_result, gradient_values, index_gradient)

        if reduction == "mean" or reduction == "var" or reduction == "std":
            bincount = _dispatch.bincount(index_gradient)
            gradient_values_result = gradient_values_result / bincount.reshape(
                (-1,) + (1,) * len(other_shape)
            if reduction == "std" or reduction == "var":
                values_times_gradient_values = _dispatch.zeros_like(gradient_values)

                for i in range(gradient.samples.values.shape[0]):
                    s = gradient.samples.entry(i)
                    values_times_gradient_values[i] = (
                        gradient_values[i] * block_values[int(s[0])]

                values_grad_result = _dispatch.zeros_like(
                    shape=(new_gradient_samples.shape[0],) + other_shape,

                values_grad_result = values_grad_result / bincount.reshape(
                    (-1,) + (1,) * len(other_shape)
                if reduction == "var":
                    for i, s in enumerate(new_gradient_samples):
                        gradient_values_result[i] = (
                            gradient_values_result[i] * values_mean[int(s[0])]
                    gradient_values_result = 2 * (
                        values_grad_result - gradient_values_result
                else:  # std
                    for i, s in enumerate(new_gradient_samples):
                        sample = int(s[0])
                        if torch_jit_is_scripting():
                            gradient_values_result[i] = (
                                - (gradient_values_result[i] * values_mean[sample])
                            ) / values_result[sample]
                            # only numpy raise a warning for division by zero
                            with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
                                gradient_values_result[i] = (
                                    - (gradient_values_result[i] * values_mean[sample])
                                ) / values_result[sample]

                        gradient_values_result[i] = _dispatch.nan_to_num(
                            gradient_values_result[i], nan=0.0, posinf=0.0, neginf=0.0

        # no check for the len of the gradient sample is needed because there
        # always will be at least one sample in the gradient
                samples=Labels(gradient_samples.names, new_gradient_samples),

    return result_block

def _reduce_over_samples(
    tensor: TensorMap, sample_names: Union[List[str], str], reduction: str
) -> TensorMap:
    Create a new :py:class:`TensorMap` with the same keys as as the input
    ``tensor``, and each :py:class:`TensorBlock` is obtained summing the
    corresponding input :py:class:`TensorBlock` over the ``sample_names``

    "sum", "mean", "std" or "var" reductions can be performed.

    :param tensor: input :py:class:`TensorMap`
    :param sample_names: names of samples to reduce over
    :param reduction: how to reduce, only available values are "mean", "sum",
    "std" or "var"
    if isinstance(sample_names, str):
        sample_names_list = [sample_names]
        sample_names_list = sample_names

    for sample in sample_names_list:
        if sample not in tensor.sample_names:
            raise ValueError(
                f"one of the requested sample name ({sample}) is not part of "
                "this TensorMap"

    remaining_samples: List[str] = []
    for s_name in tensor.sample_names:
        if s_name in sample_names_list:

    blocks: List[TensorBlock] = []
    for block in tensor.blocks():
    return TensorMap(tensor.keys, blocks)

[docs] @torch_jit_script def sum_over_samples_block( block: TensorBlock, sample_names: Union[List[str], str] ) -> TensorBlock: """Sum a :py:class:`TensorBlock`, combining the samples according to ``sample_names``. This function creates a new :py:class:`TensorBlock` in which each sample is obtained summing over the ``sample_names`` indices, so that the resulting :py:class:`TensorBlock` does not have those indices. ``sample_names`` indicates over which dimensions in the samples the sum is performed. It accept either a single string or a list of the string with the sample names corresponding to the directions along which the sum is performed. A single string is equivalent to a list with a single element: ``sample_names = "atom"`` is the same as ``sample_names = ["atom"]``. :param block: input :py:class:`TensorBlock` :param sample_names: names of samples to sum over :returns: a :py:class:`TensorBlock` containing the reduced values and sample labels >>> from metatensor import Labels, TensorBlock, TensorMap >>> block = TensorBlock( ... values=np.array( ... [ ... [1, 2, 4], ... [3, 5, 6], ... [7, 8, 9], ... [10, 11, 12], ... ] ... ), ... samples=Labels( ... ["system", "atom"], ... np.array( ... [ ... [0, 0], ... [0, 1], ... [1, 0], ... [1, 1], ... ] ... ), ... ), ... components=[], ... properties=Labels.range("properties", 3), ... ) >>> block_sum = sum_over_samples_block(block, sample_names="atom") >>> print(block_sum.samples) Labels( system 0 1 ) >>> print(block_sum.values) [[ 4 7 10] [17 19 21]] """ return _reduce_over_samples_block( block=block, sample_names=sample_names, reduction="sum" )
[docs] @torch_jit_script def sum_over_samples( tensor: TensorMap, sample_names: Union[List[str], str] ) -> TensorMap: """ Sum a :py:class:`TensorMap`, combining the samples according to ``sample_names``. This function creates a new :py:class:`TensorMap` with the same keys as as the input ``tensor``. Each :py:class:`TensorBlock` is obtained summing the corresponding input :py:class:`TensorBlock` over the ``sample_names`` indices, essentially calling :py:func:`sum_over_samples_block` over each block in ``tensor``. ``sample_names`` indicates over which dimensions in the samples the sum is performed. It accept either a single string or a list of the string with the sample names corresponding to the directions along which the sum is performed. A single string is equivalent to a list with a single element: ``sample_names = "atom"`` is the same as ``sample_names = ["atom"]``. :param tensor: input :py:class:`TensorMap` :param sample_names: names of samples to sum over :returns: a :py:class:`TensorMap` containing the reduced values and sample labels >>> from metatensor import Labels, TensorBlock, TensorMap >>> block = TensorBlock( ... values=np.array( ... [ ... [1, 2, 4], ... [3, 5, 6], ... [7, 8, 9], ... [10, 11, 12], ... ] ... ), ... samples=Labels( ... ["system", "atom"], ... np.array( ... [ ... [0, 0], ... [0, 1], ... [1, 0], ... [1, 1], ... ] ... ), ... ), ... components=[], ... properties=Labels.range("properties", 3), ... ) >>> keys = Labels(names=["key"], values=np.array([[0]])) >>> tensor = TensorMap(keys, [block]) >>> tensor_sum = sum_over_samples(tensor, sample_names="atom") >>> # only 'system' is left as a sample >>> print(tensor_sum.block(0)) TensorBlock samples (2): ['system'] components (): [] properties (3): ['properties'] gradients: None >>> print(tensor_sum.block(0).samples) Labels( system 0 1 ) >>> print(tensor_sum.block(0).values) [[ 4 7 10] [17 19 21]] """ return _reduce_over_samples( tensor=tensor, sample_names=sample_names, reduction="sum" )
[docs] @torch_jit_script def mean_over_samples_block( block: TensorBlock, sample_names: Union[List[str], str] ) -> TensorBlock: """Averages a :py:class:`TensorBlock`, combining the samples according to ``sample_names``. See also :py:func:`sum_over_samples_block` and :py:func:`mean_over_samples` :param block: input :py:class:`TensorBlock` :param sample_names: names of samples to average over :returns: a :py:class:`TensorBlock` containing the reduced values and sample labels """ return _reduce_over_samples_block( block=block, sample_names=sample_names, reduction="sum" )
[docs] @torch_jit_script def mean_over_samples( tensor: TensorMap, sample_names: Union[str, List[str]] ) -> TensorMap: """Compute the mean of a :py:class:`TensorMap`, combining the samples according to ``sample_names``. This function creates a new :py:class:`TensorMap` with the same keys as as the input ``tensor``, and each :py:class:`TensorBlock` is obtained averaging the corresponding input :py:class:`TensorBlock` over the ``sample_names`` indices. ``sample_names`` indicates over which dimensions in the samples the mean is performed. It accept either a single string or a list of the string with the sample names corresponding to the directions along which the mean is performed. A single string is equivalent to a list with a single element: ``sample_names = "atom"`` is the same as ``sample_names = ["atom"]``. For a general discussion of reduction operations and a usage example see the doc for :py:func:`sum_over_samples`. :param tensor: input :py:class:`TensorMap` :param sample_names: names of samples to average over """ return _reduce_over_samples( tensor=tensor, sample_names=sample_names, reduction="mean" )
[docs] @torch_jit_script def std_over_samples_block( block: TensorBlock, sample_names: Union[List[str], str] ) -> TensorBlock: """Computes the standard deviation for a :py:class:`TensorBlock`, combining the samples according to ``sample_names``. See also :py:func:`sum_over_samples_block` and :py:func:`std_over_samples` :param block: input :py:class:`TensorBlock` :param sample_names: names of samples to compute the standard deviation for :returns: a :py:class:`TensorBlock` containing the reduced values and sample labels """ return _reduce_over_samples_block( block=block, sample_names=sample_names, reduction="std" )
[docs] @torch_jit_script def std_over_samples( tensor: TensorMap, sample_names: Union[str, List[str]] ) -> TensorMap: r"""Compute the standard deviation of a :py:class:`TensorMap`, combining the samples according to ``sample_names``. This function creates a new :py:class:`TensorMap` with the same keys as as the input ``tensor``, and each :py:class:`TensorBlock` is obtained performing the std deviation of the corresponding input :py:class:`TensorBlock` over the ``sample_names`` indices. ``sample_names`` indicates over which dimensions in the samples the mean is performed. It accept either a single string or a list of the string with the sample names corresponding to the directions along which the mean is performed. A single string is equivalent to a list with a single element: ``sample_names = "atom"`` is the same as ``sample_names = ["atom"]``. For a general discussion of reduction operations and a usage example see the doc for :py:func:`sum_over_samples()`. The gradient is implemented as follows: .. math:: \nabla[Std(X)] = 0.5(\nabla[Var(X)])/Std(X) = (E[X \nabla X] - E[X]E[\nabla X])/Std(X) :param tensor: input :py:class:`TensorMap` :param sample_names: names of samples to perform the standart deviation over """ return _reduce_over_samples( tensor=tensor, sample_names=sample_names, reduction="std" )
[docs] @torch_jit_script def var_over_samples_block( block: TensorBlock, sample_names: Union[List[str], str] ) -> TensorBlock: """Computes the variance for a :py:class:`TensorBlock`, combining the samples according to ``sample_names``. See also :py:func:`sum_over_samples_block` and :py:func:`std_over_samples` :param block: input :py:class:`TensorBlock` :param sample_names: names of samples to compute the variance for :returns: a :py:class:`TensorBlock` containing the reduced values and sample labels """ return _reduce_over_samples_block( block=block, sample_names=sample_names, reduction="var" )
[docs] @torch_jit_script def var_over_samples( tensor: TensorMap, sample_names: Union[str, List[str]] ) -> TensorMap: r"""Compute the variance of a :py:class:`TensorMap`, combining the samples according to ``sample_names``. This function creates a new :py:class:`TensorMap` with the same keys as as the input ``tensor``, and each :py:class:`TensorBlock` is obtained performing the variance of the corresponding input :py:class:`TensorBlock` over the ``sample_names`` indices. ``sample_names`` indicates over which dimensions in the samples the mean is performed. It accept either a single string or a list of the string with the sample names corresponding to the directions along which the mean is performed. A single string is equivalent to a list with a single element: ``sample_names = "atom"`` is the same as ``sample_names = ["atom"]``. For a general discussion of reduction operations and a usage example see the doc for :py:func:`sum_over_samples`. The gradient is implemented as follow: .. math:: \nabla[Var(X)] = 2(E[X \nabla X] - E[X]E[\nabla X]) :param tensor: input :py:class:`TensorMap` :param sample_names: names of samples to perform the variance over """ return _reduce_over_samples( tensor=tensor, sample_names=sample_names, reduction="var" )