Source code for metatensor.torch.atomistic.documentation

from typing import Dict, List, Optional

import torch

from ..documentation import Labels, TensorBlock

[docs] class System: """ A System contains all the information about an atomistic system; and should be used as the input of metatensor atomistic models. """ def __init__( self, types: torch.Tensor, positions: torch.Tensor, cell: torch.Tensor, ): """ You can create a :py:class:`System` with ``types``, ``positions`` and ``cell`` tensors, or convert data from other libraries. .. admonition:: Converting data to metatensor `System` We provide a way to convert :py:class:`ase.Atoms` instances to :py:class:`System` using the :py:func:`systems_to_torch()` function. In addition, some external packages provide ways to create :py:class:`System` using data from other libraries: - `rascaline`_ has the :py:func:`rascaline.torch.systems_to_torch()` function that can convert from ASE, chemfiles and PySCF. .. _rascaline: :param types: 1D tensor of integer representing the particles identity. For atoms, this is typically their atomic numbers. :param positions: 2D tensor of shape (len(types), 3) containing the Cartesian positions of all particles in the system. :param cell: 2D tensor of shape (3, 3), describing the bounding box/unit cell of the system. Each row should be one of the bounding box vector; and columns should contain the x, y, and z components of these vectors (i.e. the cell should be given in row-major order). Systems are assumed to obey periodic boundary conditions, non-periodic systems should set the cell to 0. """ def __len__(self) -> int: pass @property def types(self) -> torch.Tensor: """Tensor of 32-bit integers representing the particles identity""" @property def positions(self) -> torch.Tensor: """ Tensor of floating point values containing the particles cartesian coordinates """ @property def cell(self) -> torch.Tensor: """Tensor of floating point values containing bounding box/cell of the system""" @property def device(self) -> torch.device: """get the device of all the arrays stored inside this :py:class:`System`""" @property def dtype(self) -> torch.dtype: """ get the dtype of all the arrays stored inside this :py:class:`System` .. warning:: Due to limitations in TorchScript C++ extensions, the dtype is returned as an integer, which can not be compared with :py:class:`torch.dtype` instances. See :py:attr:`TensorBlock.dtype <metatensor.torch.TensorBlock.dtype>` for more information. """
[docs] def to( self, dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None, device: Optional[torch.device] = None, ) -> "System": """ Move all the arrays in this system to the given ``dtype`` and ``device``. :param dtype: new dtype to use for all arrays. The dtype stays the same if this is set to ``None``. :param device: new device to use for all arrays. The device stays the same if this is set to ``None``. """
[docs] def add_neighbor_list( self, options: "NeighborListOptions", neighbors: TensorBlock, ): """ Add a new neighbors list in this system corresponding to the given ``options``. The neighbors list should have the following samples: ``"first_atom"``, ``"second_atom"``, ``"cell_shift_a"``, ``"cell_shift_b"``, ``"cell_shift_c"``, containing the index of the first and second atoms (matching the "atom" sample in the positions); and the number of cell vector a/b/c to add to the positions difference to get the pair vector. The neighbors should also have a single component ``"xyz"`` with values ``[0, 1, 2]``; and a single property ``"distance"`` with value 0. The neighbors values must contain the distance vector from the first to the second atom, i.e. ``positions[second_atom] - positions[first_atom] + cell_shift_a * cell_a + cell_shift_b * cell_b + cell_shift_c * cell_c``. :param options: options of the neighbors list :param neighbors: list of neighbors stored in a :py:class:`TensorBlock` """
[docs] def get_neighbor_list( self, options: "NeighborListOptions", ) -> TensorBlock: """ Retrieve a previously stored neighbors list with the given ``options``, or throw an error if no such neighbors list exists. :param options: options of the neighbors list to retrieve """
[docs] def known_neighbor_lists(self) -> List["NeighborListOptions"]: """ Get all the neighbors lists options registered with this :py:class:`System` """
[docs] def add_data(self, name: str, data: TensorBlock, override: bool = False): """ Add custom data to this system, stored as :py:class:`TensorBlock`. This is intended for experimentation with models that need more data as input, and moved into a field of ``System`` later. :param name: name of the custom data :param data: values of the custom data :param override: if ``True``, allow this function to override existing data with the same name """
[docs] def get_data(self, name: str) -> TensorBlock: """ Retrieve custom data stored in this System with the given ``name``, or throw an error if no data can be found. :param name: name of the custom data to retrieve """
[docs] def known_data(self) -> List[str]: """ Get the name of all the custom data registered with this :py:class:`System` """
[docs] class NeighborListOptions: """Options for the calculation of a neighbors list""" def __init__(self, cutoff: float, full_list: bool, requestor: str = ""): """ :param cutoff: spherical cutoff radius for the neighbors list, in the model units :param full_list: should the list be a full or half neighbors list :param requestor: who requested this neighbors list, you can add additional requestors later using :py:meth:`add_requestor` """ @property def cutoff(self) -> float: """Spherical cutoff radius for this neighbors list in model units""" @property def length_unit(self) -> str: """ The unit of length used for the cutoff. This is typically set by :py:class:`MetatensorAtomisticModel` when collecting all neighbors list requests. The list of possible units is available :ref:`here <known-quantities-units>`. """
[docs] def engine_cutoff(self, engine_length_unit: str) -> float: """ Spherical cutoff radius for this neighbors list in engine units. The engine must provide the unit it uses for lengths, and the cutoff will automatically be converted. """
@property def full_list(self) -> bool: """ Should the list be a full neighbors list (contains both the pair ``i->j`` and ``j->i``) or a half neighbors list (contains only the pair ``i->j``) """
[docs] def requestors(self) -> List[str]: """Get the list of modules requesting this neighbors list"""
[docs] def add_requestor(self, requestor: str): """ Add another ``requestor`` to the list of modules requesting this neighbors list """
def __repr__(self) -> str: pass def __str__(self) -> str: pass
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: "NeighborListOptions") -> bool: pass
[docs] def __ne__(self, other: "NeighborListOptions") -> bool: pass
[docs] class ModelOutput: """Description of one of the quantity a model can compute.""" def __init__( self, quantity: str = "", unit: str = "", per_atom: bool = False, explicit_gradients: List[str] = [], # noqa B006 ): pass @property def quantity(self) -> str: """ Quantity of the output (e.g. energy, dipole, …). If this is an empty string, no unit conversion will be performed. The list of possible quantities is available :ref:`here <known-quantities-units>`. """ @property def unit(self) -> str: """ Unit of the output. If this is an empty string, no unit conversion will be performed. The list of possible units is available :ref:`here <known-quantities-units>`. """ per_atom: bool """Is the output defined per-atom or for the overall structure""" explicit_gradients: List[str] """ Which gradients should be computed eagerly and stored inside the output :py:class:`TensorMap`. """
[docs] class ModelCapabilities: """Description of a model capabilities, i.e. everything a model can do.""" def __init__( self, outputs: Dict[str, ModelOutput] = {}, # noqa B006 atomic_types: List[int] = [], # noqa B006 interaction_range: float = -1, length_unit: str = "", supported_devices: List[str] = [], # noqa B006 dtype: str = "", ): pass @property def outputs(self) -> Dict[str, ModelOutput]: """ All possible outputs from this model and corresponding settings. During a specific run, a model might be asked to only compute a subset of these outputs. Some outputs are standardized, and have additional constrains on how the associated metadata should look like, documented in the :ref:`atomistic-models-outputs` section. If you want to define a new output for your own usage, it name should looks like ``"<domain>::<output>"``, where ``<domain>`` indicates who defines this new output and ``<output>`` describes the output itself. For example, ``"my-package::foobar"`` for a ``foobar`` output defined in ``my-package``. """ atomic_types: List[int] """which atomic types the model can handle""" interaction_range: float """ How far a given atom needs to know about other atoms, in the length unit of the model. For a short range model, this is the same as the largest neighbors list cutoff. For a message passing model, this is the cutoff of one environment times the number of message passing steps. For an explicit long range model, this should be set to infinity (``float("inf")``/``math.inf``/``torch.inf`` in Python). """ @property def length_unit() -> str: """ Unit used by the model for its inputs. This applies to the ``interaction_range``, any cutoff in neighbors lists, the atoms positions and the system cell. The list of possible units is available :ref:`here <known-quantities-units>`. """ @property def dtype() -> str: """ The dtype of this model This can be ``"float32"`` or ``"float64"``, and must be used by the engine as the dtype of all inputs and outputs for this model. """
[docs] def engine_interaction_range(self, engine_length_unit: str) -> float: """ Same as :py:attr:`interaction_range`, but in the unit of length used by the engine. """
supported_devices: List[str] """ What devices can this model run on? This should only contain the ``device_type`` part of the device, and not the device number (i.e. this should be ``"cuda"``, not ``"cuda:0"``). Devices should be ordered in order of preference: the first entry in this list should be the best device for this model, and so on. """
[docs] class ModelEvaluationOptions: """ Options requested by the simulation engine/evaluation code when doing a single model evaluation. """ def __init__( self, length_unit: str = "", outputs: Dict[str, ModelOutput] = {}, # noqa B006 selected_atoms: Optional[Labels] = None, ): pass @property def length_unit(self) -> str: """ Unit of lengths the engine uses for the model input. The list of possible units is available :ref:`here <known-quantities-units>`. """ outputs: Dict[str, ModelOutput] """requested outputs for this run and corresponding settings""" @property def selected_atoms() -> Optional[Labels]: """ Only run the calculation for a selected subset of atoms. If this is set to ``None``, run the calculation on all atoms. If this is a set of :py:class:`metatensor.torch.Labels`, it will have two dimensions named ``"system"`` and ``"atom"``, containing the 0-based indices of all the atoms in the selected subset. """
[docs] class ModelMetadata: """ Metadata about a specific exported model This class implements the ``__str__`` and ``__repr__`` methods, so its representation can be easily printed, logged, inserted into other strings, etc. """ def __init__( self, name: str = "", description: str = "", authors: List[str] = [], # noqa: B006 references: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}, # noqa: B006 extra: Dict[str, str] = {}, # noqa: B006 ): pass name: str """Name of this model""" description: str """Description of this model""" authors: List[str] """List of authors for this model""" references: Dict[str, List[str]] """ Academic references for this model. The top level dict can have three keys: - "implementation": for reference to software used in the implementation of the model - "architecture": for reference that introduced the general architecture used by this model - "model": for reference specific to this exact model """ extra: Dict[str, str] """ Any additional metadata that is not contained in the other fields. There are no constraints on the keys or values of this dictionary. The extra metadata is intended to be used by models to store data they need. """
[docs] def read_model_metadata(path: str) -> ModelMetadata: """ Read metadata of a saved metatenor atomistic model. This function allows to access the metadata of a model without loading it in advance. :param path: path to the exported model file """
[docs] def check_atomistic_model(path: str): """ Check that the file at ``path`` contains an exported metatensor atomistic model, and that this model can be loaded in the current process. This function should be called before :py:func:`torch.jit.load()` when loading an existing model. :param path: path to the exported model file """
[docs] def load_model_extensions(path: str, extensions_directory: Optional[str] = None): """ Load the TorchScript extensions (and their dependencies) that the model at ``path`` uses. If ``extensions_directory`` is provided, we look for the extensions and their dependencies in there first. If this function fails to load some library, it will produce a warning using Torch's warnings infrastructure. Users can set the ``METATENSOR_DEBUG_EXTENSIONS_LOADING`` environment variable to get more informations about a failure in the standard error output. :param path: path to the exported model file :param extensions_directory: path to a directory containing the extensions. This directory will typically be created by calling :py:meth:`MetatensorAtomisticModel.export` with ``collect_extensions=extensions_directory``. """
[docs] def register_autograd_neighbors( system: System, neighbors: TensorBlock, check_consistency: bool ): """ Register a new torch autograd node going from (``system.positions``, ``system.cell``) to the ``neighbors`` distance vectors. This does not recompute the distance vectors, but work as-if all the data in ``neighbors.values`` was computed directly from ``system.positions`` and ``system.cell``, allowing downstream models to use it directly with full autograd integration. :param system: system containing the positions and cell used to compute the neighbors list :param neighbors: neighbors list, following the same format as :py:meth:`System.add_neighbor_list` :param check_consistency: can be set to ``True`` to run additional checks in case the data in neighbors does not follow what's expected. """
[docs] def unit_conversion_factor(quantity: str, from_unit: str, to_unit: str): """ Get the multiplicative conversion factor from ``from_unit`` to ``to_unit``. Both units must be valid and known for the given physical ``quantity``. The set of valid quantities and units is available :ref:`here <known-quantities-units>`. :param quantity: name of the physical quantity :param from_unit: current unit of the data :param to_unit: target unit of the data """