Source code for metatensor.torch.atomistic.model

import datetime
import json
import math
import os
import platform
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

import torch
from torch.profiler import record_function

from .. import Labels, TensorBlock, TensorMap
from .. import __version__ as metatensor_version
from .. import dtype_name
from . import (
from ._extensions import _collect_extensions
from .outputs import _check_outputs

[docs] def load_atomistic_model(path, extensions_directory=None) -> "MetatensorAtomisticModel": """ Check and then load the metatensor atomistic model at the given `path`. This function calls :py:func:`metatensor.torch.atomistic.check_atomistic_model()` and :py:func:`metatensor.torch.atomistic.load_model_extensions()` before attempting to load the model. :param path: path to an exported metatensor model :param extensions_directory: path to a directory containing all extensions required by the exported model """ path = str(path) load_model_extensions(path, str(extensions_directory)) check_atomistic_model(path) return torch.jit.load(path)
[docs] class ModelInterface(torch.nn.Module): """ Interface for models that can be used with :py:class:`MetatensorAtomisticModel`. There are several requirements that models must satisfy to be usable with :py:class:`MetatensorAtomisticModel`. The main one is concerns the :py:meth:`forward` function, which must have the signature defined in this interface. Additionally, the model can request neighbor lists to be computed by the simulation engine, and stored inside the input :py:class:`System`. This is done by defining the optional :py:meth:`requested_neighbor_lists` method for the model or any of it's sub-module. :py:class:`MetatensorAtomisticModel` will check if ``requested_neighbor_lists`` is defined for all the sub-modules of the model, then collect and unify identical requests for the simulation engine. """ def __init__(): """""" pass
[docs] def forward( self, systems: List[System], outputs: Dict[str, ModelOutput], selected_atoms: Optional[Labels], ) -> Dict[str, TensorMap]: """ This method should run the model for the given ``systems``, returning the requested ``outputs``. If ``selected_atoms`` is a set of :py:class:`Labels`, only the corresponding atoms should be included as "main" atoms in the calculation and the output. ``outputs`` will be a subset of the capabilities that where declared when exporting the model. For example if a model can compute both an ``"energy"`` and a ``"charge"`` output, the simulation engine might only request one them. The returned dictionary should have the same keys as ``outputs``, and the values should contains the corresponding properties of the ``systems``, as computed for the subset of atoms defined in ``selected_atoms``. Some outputs are standardized, and have additional constrains on how the associated metadata should look like, documented in the :ref:`atomistic-models-outputs` section. If you want to define a new output for your own usage, it name should looks like ``"<domain>::<output>"``, where ``<domain>`` indicates who defines this new output and ``<output>`` describes the output itself. For example, ``"my-package::foobar"`` for a ``foobar`` output defined in ``my-package``. The main use case for ``selected_atoms`` is domain decomposition, where the :py:class:`System` given to a model might contain both atoms in the current domain and some atoms from other domains; and the calculation should produce per-atom output only for the atoms in the domain (but still accounting for atoms from the other domains as potential neighbors). :param systems: atomistic systems on which to run the calculation :param outputs: set of outputs requested by the simulation engine :param selected_atoms: subset of atoms that should be included in the output, defaults to None :return: properties of the systems, as predicted by the machine learning model """
[docs] def requested_neighbor_lists(self) -> List[NeighborListOptions]: """ Optional method declaring which neighbors list this model requires. This method can be defined on either the root model or any of it's sub-modules. A single module can request multiple neighbors list simultaneously if it needs them. It is then the responsibility of the code calling the model to: 1. call this method (or more generally :py:meth:`MetatensorAtomisticModel.requested_neighbor_lists`) to get the list of the requested neighbor lists.; 2. compute all neighbor lists corresponding to these requests and add them to the systems before calling the model. """
# This class name is prefixed with `Metatensor` because we are checking the class name # before loading a saved model `check_atomistic_model`, to try to prevent people from # loading arbitrary pytorch models inside the metatensor interface.
[docs] class MetatensorAtomisticModel(torch.nn.Module): """ :py:class:`MetatensorAtomisticModel` is the main entry point for atomistic machine learning based on metatensor. It is the interface between custom, user-defined models and simulation engines. Users should wrap their models with this class, and use :py:meth:`save()` to save the wrapped model to a file. The exported models can then be loaded by a simulation engine to compute properties of atomistic systems. When wrapping a ``module``, you should declare what the model is capable of (using :py:class:`ModelCapabilities`). This includes what units the model expects as input and what properties the model can compute (using :py:class:`ModelOutput`). The simulation engine will then ask the model to compute some subset of these properties (through a :py:class:`ModelEvaluationOptions`), on all or a subset of atoms of an atomistic system. The wrapped module must follow the interface defined by :py:class:`ModelInterface`, should not already be compiled by TorchScript, and should be in "eval" mode (i.e. ```` should be ``False``). For example, a custom module predicting the energy as a constant value times the number of atoms could look like this >>> class ConstantEnergy(torch.nn.Module): ... def __init__(self, constant: float): ... super().__init__() ... self.constant = torch.tensor(constant).reshape(1, 1) ... ... def forward( ... self, ... systems: List[System], ... outputs: Dict[str, ModelOutput], ... selected_atoms: Optional[Labels] = None, ... ) -> Dict[str, TensorMap]: ... results: Dict[str, TensorMap] = {} ... if "energy" in outputs: ... if outputs["energy"].per_atom: ... raise NotImplementedError("per atom energy is not implemented") ... ... dtype = systems[0].positions.dtype ... energies = torch.zeros(len(systems), 1, dtype=dtype) ... for i, system in enumerate(systems): ... if selected_atoms is None: ... n_atoms = len(system) ... else: ... n_atoms = len(selected_atoms) ... ... energies[i] = self.constant * n_atoms ... ... systems_idx = torch.tensor([[i] for i in range(len(systems))]) ... energy_block = TensorBlock( ... values=energies, ... samples=Labels(["system"],, ... components=torch.jit.annotate(List[Labels], []), ... properties=Labels(["energy"], torch.tensor([[0]])), ... ) ... ... results["energy"] = TensorMap( ... keys=Labels(["_"], torch.tensor([[0]])), ... blocks=[energy_block], ... ) ... ... return results ... Wrapping and exporting this model would then look like this: >>> import os >>> import tempfile >>> from metatensor.torch.atomistic import MetatensorAtomisticModel >>> from metatensor.torch.atomistic import ( ... ModelCapabilities, ... ModelOutput, ... ModelMetadata, ... ) >>> model = ConstantEnergy(constant=3.141592) >>> # put the model in inference mode >>> model = model.eval() >>> # Define the model capabilities >>> capabilities = ModelCapabilities( ... outputs={ ... "energy": ModelOutput( ... quantity="energy", ... unit="eV", ... per_atom=False, ... explicit_gradients=[], ... ), ... }, ... atomic_types=[1, 2, 6, 8, 12], ... interaction_range=0.0, ... length_unit="angstrom", ... supported_devices=["cpu"], ... dtype="float64", ... ) >>> # define metadata about this model >>> metadata = ModelMetadata( ... name="model-name", ... authors=["Some Author", "Another One"], ... # references and long description can also be added ... ) >>> # wrap the model >>> wrapped = MetatensorAtomisticModel(model, metadata, capabilities) >>> # save the wrapped model to disk >>> with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as directory: ..., "")) ... .. py:attribute:: module :type: ModelInterface The torch module wrapped by this :py:class:`MetatensorAtomisticModel`. Reading from this attribute is safe, but modifying it is not recommended, unless you are familiar with the implementation of the model. """ # Some annotation to make the TorchScript compiler happy _requested_neighbor_lists: List[NeighborListOptions] def __init__( self, module: ModelInterface, metadata: ModelMetadata, capabilities: ModelCapabilities, ): """ :param module: The torch module to wrap and export. :param capabilities: Description of the model capabilities. """ super().__init__() if not isinstance(module, torch.nn.Module): raise TypeError(f"`module` should be a torch.nn.Module, not {type(module)}") if isinstance(module, torch.jit.RecursiveScriptModule): raise TypeError("module should not already be a ScriptModule") if raise ValueError("module should not be in training mode") _check_annotation(module) self.module = module # ============================================================================ # # recursively explore `module` to get all the requested_neighbor_lists self._requested_neighbor_lists = [] _get_requested_neighbor_lists( self.module, self.module.__class__.__name__, self._requested_neighbor_lists, capabilities.length_unit, ) # ============================================================================ # self._metadata = metadata self._capabilities = capabilities # check that some required capabilities are set if capabilities.interaction_range < 0: raise ValueError( "`capabilities.interaction_range` was not set, " "but it is required to run simulations" ) if math.isnan(capabilities.interaction_range): raise ValueError( "`capabilities.interaction_range` should be a " "float between 0 and infinity" ) if len(capabilities.supported_devices) == 0: raise ValueError( "`capabilities.supported_devices` was not set, " "but it is required to run simulations." ) if capabilities.dtype == "": raise ValueError( "`capabilities.dtype` was not set, " "but it is required to run simulations." ) if capabilities.dtype == "float32": self._model_dtype = torch.float32 elif capabilities.dtype == "float64": self._model_dtype = torch.float64 else: raise ValueError(f"unknown dtype in capabilities: {capabilities.dtype}")
[docs] @torch.jit.export def capabilities(self) -> ModelCapabilities: """Get the capabilities of the wrapped model""" return self._capabilities
[docs] @torch.jit.export def metadata(self) -> ModelMetadata: """Get the metadata of the wrapped model""" return self._metadata
[docs] @torch.jit.export def requested_neighbor_lists(self) -> List[NeighborListOptions]: """ Get the neighbors lists required by the wrapped model or any of the child module. """ return self._requested_neighbor_lists
[docs] def forward( self, systems: List[System], options: ModelEvaluationOptions, check_consistency: bool, ) -> Dict[str, TensorMap]: """Run the wrapped model and return the corresponding outputs. Before running the model, this will convert the ``systems`` data from the engine unit to the model unit, including all neighbors lists distances. After running the model, this will convert all the outputs from the model units to the engine units. :param systems: input systems on which we should run the model. The systems should already contain all neighbors lists corresponding to the options in :py:meth:`requested_neighbor_lists()`. :param options: options for this run of the model :param check_consistency: Should we run additional check that everything is consistent? This should be set to ``True`` when verifying a model, and to ``False`` once you are sure everything is running fine. :return: A dictionary containing all the model outputs """ if check_consistency: with record_function("MetatensorAtomisticModel::check_inputs"): _check_inputs( capabilities=self._capabilities, requested_neighbor_lists=self._requested_neighbor_lists, systems=systems, options=options, expected_dtype=self._model_dtype, ) for system in systems: # always (i.e. even if check_consistency=False) check that the atomic types # of the system match the one the model supports all_types = torch.unique(system.types) for atom_type in all_types: if atom_type not in self._capabilities.atomic_types: raise ValueError( "this model does not support the atomic type " f"'{atom_type.item()}' which is present in the input systems" ) # convert systems from engine to model units with record_function("MetatensorAtomisticModel::convert_units_input"): if self._capabilities.length_unit != options.length_unit: conversion = unit_conversion_factor( quantity="length", from_unit=options.length_unit, to_unit=self._capabilities.length_unit, ) systems = _convert_systems_units( systems, conversion, model_length_unit=self._capabilities.length_unit, system_length_unit=options.length_unit, ) # run the actual calculations with record_function("Model::forward"): outputs = self.module( systems=systems, outputs=options.outputs, selected_atoms=options.selected_atoms, ) if check_consistency: with record_function("MetatensorAtomisticModel::check_outputs"): _check_outputs( systems=systems, requested=options.outputs, selected_atoms=options.selected_atoms, outputs=outputs, expected_dtype=self._model_dtype, ) # convert outputs from model to engine units with record_function("MetatensorAtomisticModel::convert_units_output"): for name, output in outputs.items(): declared = self._capabilities.outputs[name] requested = options.outputs[name] if declared.quantity == "" or requested.quantity == "": continue if declared.quantity != requested.quantity: raise ValueError( f"model produces values as '{declared.quantity}' for the " f"'{name}' output, but the engine requested " f"'{requested.quantity}'" ) conversion = unit_conversion_factor( quantity=declared.quantity, from_unit=declared.unit, to_unit=requested.unit, ) if conversion != 1.0: for block in output.blocks(): block.values[:] *= conversion for _, gradient in block.gradients(): gradient.values[:] *= conversion return outputs
[docs] def export(self, file: str, collect_extensions: Optional[str] = None): """Export this model to a file that can then be loaded by simulation engine. .. warning:: :py:meth:`export` is deprecated. Use :py:meth:`save` instead. :param file: where to save the model. This can be a path or a file-like object. :param collect_extensions: if not None, all currently loaded PyTorch extension will be collected in this directory. If this directory already exists, it is removed and re-created. """ warnings.warn( message="`export()` is deprecated, use `save()` instead", category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return, collect_extensions)
[docs] def save(self, file: Union[str, Path], collect_extensions: Optional[str] = None): """Save this model to a file that can then be loaded by simulation engine. :param file: where to save the model. This can be a path or a file-like object. :param collect_extensions: if not None, all currently loaded PyTorch extension will be collected in this directory. If this directory already exists, it is removed and re-created. """ module = self.eval() if os.environ.get("PYTORCH_JIT") == "0": raise RuntimeError( "found PYTORCH_JIT=0 in the environment, " "we can not save models without TorchScript" ) try: module = torch.jit.script(module) except RuntimeError as e: raise RuntimeError("could not convert the module to TorchScript") from e # TODO: can we freeze these? # module = torch.jit.freeze(module) # Metadata about where and when the model was exported export_metadata = { "date":, "platform": platform.machine() + "-" + platform.system(), # TODO: user/hostname? } if collect_extensions is not None: export_metadata["extensions_directory"] = str(collect_extensions) extensions, deps = _collect_extensions(extensions_path=collect_extensions)"cpu"), # this allows to torch.jit.load without devices str(file), _extra_files={ "torch-version": torch.__version__, "metatensor-version": metatensor_version, "extensions": json.dumps(extensions), "extensions-deps": json.dumps(deps), "export-metadata": json.dumps(export_metadata), "model-metadata": self._metadata.__getstate__()[0], }, )
def _get_requested_neighbor_lists( module: torch.nn.Module, module_name: str, requested: List[NeighborListOptions], length_unit: str, ): if hasattr(module, "requested_neighbor_lists"): for new_options in module.requested_neighbor_lists(): new_options.add_requestor(module_name) already_requested = False for existing in requested: if existing == new_options: already_requested = True for requestor in new_options.requestors(): existing.add_requestor(requestor) if not already_requested: if new_options.length_unit not in ["", length_unit]: raise ValueError( f"NeighborsListOptions from {module_name} already have a " f"length unit ('{new_options.length_unit}') which does not " f"match the model length units ('{length_unit}')" ) new_options.length_unit = length_unit requested.append(new_options) for child_name, child in module.named_children(): _get_requested_neighbor_lists( module=child, module_name=module_name + "." + child_name, requested=requested, length_unit=length_unit, ) def _check_annotation(module: torch.nn.Module): # check annotations on forward annotations = module.forward.__annotations__ expected_arguments = [ "systems", "outputs", "selected_atoms", "return", ] expected_signature = ( "`forward(self, " "systems: List[System], " "outputs: Dict[str, ModelOutput], " "selected_atoms: Optional[Labels]" ") -> Dict[str, TensorMap]`" ) if list(annotations.keys()) != expected_arguments: raise TypeError( "`module.forward()` takes unexpected arguments, expected signature is " + expected_signature ) if annotations["systems"] != List[System]: raise TypeError( "`systems` argument must be a list of metatensor atomistic `System`, " f"not {annotations['system']}" ) if annotations["outputs"] != Dict[str, ModelOutput]: raise TypeError( "`outputs` argument must be `Dict[str, ModelOutput]`, " f"not {annotations['outputs']}" ) if annotations["selected_atoms"] != Optional[Labels]: raise TypeError( "`selected_atoms` argument must be `Optional[Labels]`, " f"not {annotations['selected_atoms']}" ) if annotations["return"] != Dict[str, TensorMap]: raise TypeError( "`forward()` must return a `Dict[str, TensorMap]`, " f"not {annotations['return']}" ) def _check_inputs( capabilities: ModelCapabilities, requested_neighbor_lists: List[NeighborListOptions], systems: List[System], options: ModelEvaluationOptions, expected_dtype: torch.dtype, ): if len(systems) == 0: return global_device = systems[0].device global_dtype = systems[0].positions.dtype if global_dtype != expected_dtype: raise ValueError( f"wrong dtype for the data: the model wants {dtype_name(expected_dtype)}, " f"we got {dtype_name(global_dtype)}" ) # check that the requested outputs match what the model can do for name, requested in options.outputs.items(): if name not in capabilities.outputs: raise ValueError( f"this model can not compute '{name}', the implemented " f"outputs are {capabilities.outputs.keys()}" ) possible = capabilities.outputs[name] for parameter in requested.explicit_gradients: if parameter not in possible.explicit_gradients: raise ValueError( f"this model can not compute explicit gradients of '{name}' " f"with respect to '{parameter}'" ) if requested.per_atom and not possible.per_atom: raise ValueError( f"this model can not compute '{name}' per atom, only globally" ) selected_atoms = options.selected_atoms if selected_atoms is not None: if selected_atoms.device != global_device: raise ValueError( "expected all selected_atoms to be on the same device as the systems, " f"got {selected_atoms.device} and {global_device}" ) if selected_atoms.names != ["system", "atom"]: raise ValueError( "invalid names for selected_atoms: expected " f"['system', 'atom'], got {selected_atoms.names}" ) possible_atoms_values: List[List[int]] = [] for s, system in enumerate(systems): for a in range(len(system)): possible_atoms_values.append([s, a]) possible_atoms = Labels( ["system", "atom"], torch.tensor(possible_atoms_values, device=global_device), ) intersection = selected_atoms.intersection(possible_atoms) if len(intersection) != len(selected_atoms): raise ValueError( "invalid selected_atoms: there are entries that are not " "possible for the current systems" ) for system in systems: if system.device != global_device: raise ValueError( "expected all systems to be on the same device, " f"got {global_device} and {system.device}" ) if not system.positions.dtype == global_dtype: raise ValueError( "expected all systems to have the same dtype, " f"got {global_dtype} and {system.positions.dtype}" ) # Check neighbors lists known_neighbor_lists = system.known_neighbor_lists() for request in requested_neighbor_lists: found = False for known in known_neighbor_lists: if request == known: found = True if not found: raise ValueError( "missing neighbors list in the system: the model requested " f"a list for {request}, but it was not computed and stored " "in the system" ) def _convert_systems_units( systems: List[System], conversion: float, model_length_unit: str, system_length_unit: str, ) -> List[System]: if conversion == 1.0: return systems new_systems: List[System] = [] for system in systems: new_system = System( types=system.types, positions=conversion * system.positions, cell=conversion * system.cell, pbc=system.pbc, ) # also update the neighbors list distances for request in system.known_neighbor_lists(): neighbors = system.get_neighbor_list(request) new_system.add_neighbor_list( request, TensorBlock( values=conversion * neighbors.values, samples=neighbors.samples, components=neighbors.components,, ), ) known_data = system.known_data() if len(known_data) != 0: warnings.warn( "the model requires a different length unit " f"({model_length_unit}) than the system ({system_length_unit}), " f"but we don't know how to convert custom data ({known_data}) " "accordingly", stacklevel=2, ) for data in known_data: new_system.add_data(data, system.get_data(data)) new_systems.append(new_system) return new_systems